Nothin's Hotta than Tabata
December 23, 2016
Christmas is literally 2 days away. That means people will
be travelling, last minute shopping and cooking up a storm. Fortunately, I
don’t have too much to worry about. I finished all my last-minute stuff last
weekend. The only thing I have left is baking. That doesn’t stress me out
though. I actually like baking. I find it relaxing. I just loose myself in the
process and block out everything else around me. If I’m home alone my dog Jack
gets to watch live music videos staring me! She really enjoys them and sometimes she joins
in. Yah…I’m cool.
With all the family obligations and running around it can be difficult to get a work out in. That is, unless you’re a little loopy like me and wake up before the sun on Christmas morning to hit the gym. I need to stop saying stuff like that, I’m not loopy I just enjoy working out! So there! Team no days off! Yeah!
With all the family obligations and running around it can be difficult to get a work out in. That is, unless you’re a little loopy like me and wake up before the sun on Christmas morning to hit the gym. I need to stop saying stuff like that, I’m not loopy I just enjoy working out! So there! Team no days off! Yeah!
The gym I belong to now is open 24hrs. My previous Gym was
closed on Christmas day and every year that would cause frustration and anxiety
on my part. I would spend the week prior to the holiday creating an intense
cardio workout I could do at home Christmas morning to try and supplement for
the time I was losing at the gym. If I might say I’ve gotten pretty darn good
at it so I put together a 20 minute Tabata work out to share with you all. C’Mon, everyone can set aside at least 20
minutes to get your fitness on before indulging in all the goodness that is the
holiday, right?!
I like Tabata work outs because they are quick, intense and
burn mad calories! You can choose any interval really but I usually stick to
the basic format so I don’t get bored. The basic Tabata format consists a group
of exercises that lasts 4 minutes. You go as hard as you can for 20 secs and
then rest for 10 seconds and continue like this for 4 minutes before switching
to the next two exercises. I usually alternate between the exercises in each
set but you may find it more enjoyable to do the first two 20 sec intervals
with the same exercise and then switch to the second exercise for the last two
20 second intervals during the 4 minute duration. Did I confuse you? Ehhh….if I
did just comment or e-mail me at
You can find a video of this workout on the blogs Instagram,
If you’re anything like me, when you need to fit a quick
workout in you don’t want to think about what you have to do. You just want to
get going. Hopefully my little workout will help you do just that.
If you are eager to think even less and want instruction, a
great source is You Tube. There are so many wonderful quick work outs on there!
On my lunch break during the week I typically hit the
pavement for a 2-3 mile run. Sometimes though, I like to head to the parking
garage and do a quick workout video. I like the videos from a guy by the name
of Millionaire Hoy. His workouts keep me moving and I can burn over 200
calories in 20 minutes.
Here is a link to one of his 20 minute work outs:
On Saturday mornings the hubs and I head to Impact Fitness
in Wesley Chapel for group fitness with the crew
Shout out!
Before we head over to Impact I like to make sure I get
about 20-30 minutes of cardio in. I never know what we will be doing that
morning so I like to make sure I do some cardio in case all we do are weights. What
can I say, I like to sweat! Lately I’m addicted to dance workouts. A little-known fact
about me, I love to dance! So this type of cardio I find fun and a good calorie
burn. I usually burn around 300 calories before I even leave the house!
Two people I am obsessed with are the Fitness Marshall and Dance Fitness with Jessica. Both have pretty easy to follow dance/cardio videos and the routines are set to current music.
Two people I am obsessed with are the Fitness Marshall and Dance Fitness with Jessica. Both have pretty easy to follow dance/cardio videos and the routines are set to current music.
The Fitness Marshall:
Dance Fitness with Jessica:
Hey! If you get into these guys like I am maybe we could
meet up and get our dance fitness on together! There’s no shame in my dance
So enough fitness ‘ish what food are you going to be
cooking!? Anything yummy? Any family traditional dishes that you have to make or
serve even if you don’t really like it?
My sister started hosting Christmas at her house again a few
years ago. We used to have it at my mom’s but now that my nieces and nephews
are older there just isn’t enough room in her apartment. My sister has a huge
living room so it just makes more sense.
Now that we have Christmas at her house she likes to have a
big Christmas dinner. She makes a ham and her famous sweet potato casserole.
She also makes homemade bread and usually another side dish. Then the rest of
the family brings dishes and desserts to pass. The great thing, I guess, is
that she has to follow pretty much the same eating habits I do. She can’t have
gluten or wheat so she modifies her recipes so she and I can eat them. I
decided this Thanksgiving that I am only making things I can eat. Not to be
rude, I’m just not about spending all that money to make two of everything. No
one seemed to mind on Thanksgiving so I’ll do the same for Christmas. I will
make one regular dessert though only because I found this recipe on Pinterest
for shortbread cookie bites. They are adorable and my mom loves shortbread!
Other than that, I’m bringing all paleo sides.
Recently I have spoken with people who have started or will
be starting on their paleo journey. I thought I would share what I’m making for
our Christmas dinner to give those of you ideas. When you first start eating
paleo it can be hard to come up with stuff to make. Plus, you might not know
what you can make paleo.
Here is what I will be bringing
-Mashed Cauliflower (Against All Grains)
-Paleo Gravy (Pinterest)
-Warm brussels sprout salad (Against All Grains)
-Almond “Cheesecake” Squares (Pinterest)
-Shortbread bites (Not paleo even a little bit) (Pinterest)
P.S. Against All Grains is a wonderful cookbook. I have used
it to the point the pages are falling out. If you aren’t following Against All
Grains on social media…… it!
I can’t wait to make all these delicious goodies and share
them with my family. It’s infrequent that we are all under the same roof and I
really enjoy Christmas for that reason. I especially love spending time with
these goof balls!
They are all grown up now but they will always be my “kids.”
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend!
FUN FACT: Kissing burns calories! A passionate kiss burns
about 2 calories per minute so go get yourself some mistletoe yo!
Next week I’ll be talking New Year!
I’ll be giving you my tips for going paleo and I’ll have a
recipe to share.
-Don’t forget to follow the blog in the upper right hand
corner of the page.
(If you are viewing this on your phone you may need to
switch to web view)
-Also, follow the blog on Instagram at
-And comment below if you have any comments, suggestions or
Say it to my face or i'll put you in your place....or not
December 16, 2016
*** I interrupt this regularly scheduled blog post to write
briefly about my experience at the gym. UGH! So the gym I go to now is a gym,
gym. When you walk in you can smell the iron. There is absolutely nothing fancy
about this gym. The equipment is a compilation of perfectly worn pieces of
muscle making greatness. You can use chalk, you can drop weights, you can
grunt. I visit this wonderful place every morning at 4:00 am. While I’m there I
am typically in the company of maybe one other woman, two if I’m lucky, and
about 5-6 gentlemen ranging from their mid 30’s to their mid 60’s. I’m not one
to talk at the gym. I have work to do and do not have time for the chitter
chatter but there are a couple people I exchange pleasantries with. Well, there
is one older gentlemen who I recently started saying good morning too and
sometimes he jokes around with me that he only has a set or two left and he’ll
be out of my way. Any who… morning
a while back I felt like he was saying something about me to his friend that
comes with him to the gym. In particular,I felt he was making reference to my
butt. Yes, I said it. And it wasn’t me being conceited thinking Oh my ass is so
big and great that people are looking at it, NO! I try to wear clothes that
hide my figure not show it off. I really don’t know what he could be looking at
in my boy shorts but whatever. I felt very insecure for a while and tried
desperately to tuck my butt like a dog tucking its tail until he left. Then I
decided I must be crazy… one here knows I exist let alone look my way so I
let that thought leave my mind. WELLL!
Monday morning was leg day. Which means Laying leg curls (where your
butt is just up in the air) and Squats (Just ass galore.) When I started on the
leg curl I couldn’t help but feel he was talking about me to his friend.
Especially since his friend was on the machine behind me and the guy was on the
treadmill in front of me a ways. If people start speaking quietly when their
voice typically fills the room and making faces at each other you know
something is up. Then I was doing squats and the friend was doing jumping
jacks. Well, I do a lot of jumping jacks and other high intensity cardio in
between sets. The guy started calling out his friend to one of the younger guys
for doing jumping jacks. Then the three of them huddled up and were speaking
quietly again and although the younger guy tried to be discreet about it he
clearly gestured in my direction. And they laughed and tapped each other on the
shoulder blah blah blah. I just felt so…..violated. I don’t even know if that
is the right word to express how I felt. In my mind, I was loud and made a
statement and went up to them and gave them the business but in reality, I just
put my head down and tried to concentrate on my workout. I thought to myself,
don’t be conceited Jennifer, why would they be talking about you, in a positive
or negative manner. But they clearly were. I instantly started thinking of what
other gyms I could go to or if I could go at a different time. So sad. I don’t
want people, male or female, to think I look bad but I don’t want them to think
I look good either. So whatever they had to say about the way I look I rather
just be invisible. Does that make sense?
My poor butt has just always been big. I thought embracing it instead of
trying to fight it was the best way to overcome my insecurities but I was
wrong. Anyone know how to calm my back side down? It is low weight high reps?
Is that the trick? Duct Tape? Spanx? Maybe super baggy sweats and a long shirt?
Hrumph. I don’t know. ****
Now back to our regularly scheduled blog post
Food. At. Work. I’ll just leave this here.
Holidays bring endless amounts of food….at work! It can make
it soooooo difficult for even the strongest of will powers to stay in their
lane. When there are boxes and platters of sweet, delicious goodness in every
breakroom how can you stay on track? You can smell the cinnamon and sugar in
the air, co-workers are walking by with plates full of goodies grinning from
ear to ear so you might think….I’ll just have a bite. Well, if you’re anything
like me, when it comes to sweets, a bite, turns into a half and quickly turns
into Damn it! I ate them all! It can be
easy to lose self-control and gobble up holiday favorites.
When I started working in an office and was sitting most the
day I stopped eating at work. From my experience, eating at work causes
significant weight gain, a hard-crash mid-afternoon and slows production. I’m not really known for going slow, so I had
to give it up. I was not about to get, what people call, the secretary
spread. In the beginning, it was hard.
Especially when vendors are constantly bringing in muffins and cookies and
chocolate. I mean, now it’s easy to say no because I don’t want to end up in
the ER again but I know how difficult it can be. Especially during the
holidays. The way I maneuvered through the holiday food coma was to bring my
own food. I always pack my lunch and snacks. I know If I have my own food I’m
not tempted to eat what is on hand because I don’t want what the food I
prepared to go to waste. During the holidays, I bring an extra, small sweet
treat with me. It might be a piece of hard candy, flavored gum, maybe a Lara
bar or ½ of a Quest bar or even a cookie that I’ve made at home. When cakes,
cookies and pies are going through the office I can eat my candy or protein bar
or whatever I brought without the guilt and still have the satisfaction of
eating something sweet. I hope this trick helps anyone else trying to avoid the
holiday food hangover. When I think about eating at work I run through all of
the scenarios in my head before I go for it. For example, “Do I really want to
eat what Jane Doe brought for the office potluck? It looks like I could have
it…..hmmmm I don’t know if she washes her hands.” “Oh plain dark chocolate, I
can’t eat that! Buuuuuttttt can I have one piece? Probably not……then I’ll drive
myself crazy craving it. Plus, I don’t know if it was manufactured in a
facility that processes wheat or if the ingredients are just chocolate. Ehhhh
it’s not worth the risk.”
Yah, welcome to my mind. So, if you ever see me staring at
food for a minute with a concentrated look and then I walk away you know what
just happened. By the time I think it through I don’t even want it anymore.
If you do succumb to a few holiday indulgences don’t beat
yourself up about it. You’ll probably burn off the extra calories during your
holiday activities.
Holiday activities like shopping, cooking and even wrapping
gifts can really burn the calories.
Shopping burns an average of 200 calories per hour! So ditch
the online shopping for hitting the mall to get rid of that pumpkin spice latte
you had this morning. You can burn a bonus of 34 calories per hour if you are
carrying a small child while shopping.
Have to clean the house for company? Again, an average of
200 calories per hour burned. Plus, tighten that mid-section while vacuuming
for a great ab work out! Look at you over there Sexy Santa!
Cooking, which we do so much of this time of year, burns an average of 68 calories per hour. Add in some squats at the kitchen sink and jumping jacks between timers, you’ll be a calorie burning Betty Crocker!
While you’re cooking/baking make sure you add a little extra
cinnamon to spread the holiday cheer and help your waist line.
Fun Fact! Cinnamon burns calories. That's right! All by its self! It also regulates blood
sugar and aids in metabolizing carbohydrates! Whoop Whoop!
Don’t forget about wrapping gifts! Spend 30 minutes wrapping presents and you can burn about 48 calories! And hey, work those biceps by adding some extra curl to that ribbon. You little elf you! You look fabulous!
I hope this helps you out these next couple weeks. If you
have any tips, please share in the comments below. My tricks might not work for
everyone so it’s always great to have different tricks to try.
Hey! Before I wrap up this post, how are your goals going
for this month? My goal was to do one un-assisted pull up. Well, I am past my
30 day mark and I feel I have made good progress but I’m not there yet. Just
because my 30 days is up doesn’t mean I have to stop there. I am determined to
do one stinking pull up.
I started at 95lb weight displacement and now I am up to
50lb weight displacement on the pull up assist. It’s difficult for sure but I
must achieve this goal. I’m still doing pull ups every day, even when I don’t
feel like it. Blah, I hate pull ups, just like I hate push-ups but I enjoy the
challenge and I’ve set my mind to it. I can even see myself doing the pull up
in my mind. That day will be glorious!
Any who! Don’t forget to follow the blog in the upper right
hand corner of the page.
Also, follow the blog on Instagram at
On Instagram I’ll be posting some last minute
gift ideas for $25 and under!
And comment below if you have any comments, suggestions or
Navigating holiday parties
December 9, 2016
Well the holiday season is in full effect. I feel like every
weekend we have some holiday party to attend. Plus, I need to finish my
Christmas shopping. I tell myself every year I’m going to shop throughout the
year so I don’t have to run around last minute but we all know how that goes. I
think I bought maybe three things this year and then December came and I’m in
full on panic mode! I wouldn’t be if I had unlimited funds and didn’t have to
plan my shopping around my paychecks ::sigh::
So let’s talk about holiday parties for a minute. The
holidays in general make it hard to stick to a healthy life style. I mean…..Egg
Nog….can you even? Luckily for me, I
guess, a lot of the glutinous items that are found as part of the holiday
spread do not react well with my body so I have no choice but to stay away. But
for the average person what’s the secret? Or do you just let it all go to hell
in a hand basket from October to January? Then deal with the repercussions come
January 1st when you’re pleading to the resolution gods to help you
lose the 5, 10, maybe 15lbs you gained. Hmmm.
When I could eat bread and all that fun stuff I was still
very conscious about what I ate during the holidays. It was always my goal to
not gain holiday weight. Then and even today I make it a point to find out what the menu is and
decide in advance what I’m going to eat. If I get there and something is served
I hadn’t planned for, if I can eat it, I take very little but I don’t deprive
myself. When it comes to desserts I limit myself to one or just don't have any at all. And I drink a lot of
water. Water keeps me feeling full. This is also a good way not to consume to
much alcohol because I don’t know about you but when I feel full the last thing
I want to do is drink more. Another trick I have adopted over the past couple
years is having a snack or small meal beforehand. Not only so I don’t over eat
but because there usually aren’t a lot of options for me. If it's a pot luck situation I make dishes that I can eat and share. Who cares if other people don't like it, they'll take a little to be nice and I'll have at least one or two items I can eat. Plus, it’s annoying
to me and I know it would probably annoy the host if I had to ask what was in
Ok time for a side rant…….if you have a food
allergy/intolerance or follow a special diet do not get mad at the host for not
having items you can eat or not remembering your issue. Bring your own food!
Ok enough holiday healthy talk I wanna talk about my face!
::sigh:: my poor face. My thirties have not been kind. Since I turned 30 I
started having these dark spots appear on my chubby little cheeks. HELLO! My
face is big enough. I do not need to draw any more attention to it. So I’ve
been wearing more and more makeup to cover it up. Ummmm I’m not a big makeup
person. In fact when my husband first met me I never wore make up. It wasn’t
until I got an office job that I started wearing it and now I really just wear
it to cover my spots. Me putting on makeup is always awkward and I really don’t
know how to put it on. I kinda just slap some ‘ish on my face, throw some color
on my eyes, try to apply eyeliner and off I go.
The problem is my makeup no longer covers my spots. They peak through and kinda look like giant birth marks. I thought for the
longest time that I had hyperpigmentation from growing up in Florida. I love
the sun so I thought the sun was just cursing me and my fair skin. Nope! Come
to find out I have Melasma! What!? Apparently its hereditary. I mean the sun
exacerbates it but still. WTF! So……the dermatologist prescribed me some crazy
bleach for my spots. She said it won’t get rid of it but will help lighten it.
UGH! I just wanna not wear makeup anymore but I will settle for not having to
cake my face in concealer. Oh, and wait there’s more. Acne! Yes, I get zits on
my plump little cheeks too! Right under the cheek bone, and on my chin, and
forehead. I mean………I can’t with my face right now. So, I also have some cream I
have to put on my face for that. Holy Moly Batman I am not aging gracefully.




So, a fun fact about me is that I love a good fun fact.
Little tid bits of knowledge you can just shower people with……. or annoy
them…depends on who you talk to. For example, I told my oldest sister, fun
fact, a single grape is 5 calories. She didn’t appreciate me telling her that
as she was eating grapes. I admit my timing was bad but really when else was I
supposed to share that knowledge bomb!?
I thought I would start sharing some of my favorite fun
facts with you! Doesn’t that sound fun? Huh? You betcha!
Ok so for your first fun fact my FAVORITE fact that I feel like I
need to tell everyone is that mustard is a natural fat burner! What!? I know….
mind blown! It must be true too because my beautiful niece is so long and lean
and she used to eat mustard on everything when she was little! And I'm sure it's also due to her
genetics. Darn that family and their great metabolisms!
Well, I guess I’ve spewed enough information at you this
post. Hey, I did good, no list! Could you see that I really wanted to list
things? I mean this whole post really could have been a giant list. It’s sad
really. My whole life runs on lists. I wake up with a list in my mind of what I
need to do in the morning, I have lists at home, I make lists at work.
Hey follow the blog on Instagram!
Is there something you want me to talk about? Is there information you're dying to know? Comment below!
Did you say PB & J?
December 2, 2016
Can we just take a moment to appreciate the goodness that is
the peanut butter and jelly sandwich? I mean just look at this creation. If you
don’t enjoy peanut butter and jelly, a child hood staple, you’re not human.
I made Paleo bread for Thanksgiving and kinda burned it so I
just left it out of Thanksgiving dinner. I couldn’t waste the loaf sooooo I
made a PB & J sandwich with Sunflower seed butter, sugar free strawberry
jelly (not paleo but a nice little treat.) It was yum-tastic!
When I first started the paleo lifestyle I never thought I
would ever be able to eat one of mans’ greatest creations ever again. But, we
tend to think like that when starting any diet plan don’t we? Our minds
automatically go to all the things we can’t eat. I’m guilty of doing this. When
I started a low-carb diet it was UGH! no bread, no pasta! When I started Weight
Watchers it was Man! I don’t have enough points for that! Even on my Paleo
journey, day one my mind went to all the foods I was going to miss out on. But,
all the foods I thought I was going to miss so much were the same foods that
were causing me to gain weight and just made me not feel good. I feel like if
we took a more positive approach to life style changes it would make it that
much easier. It’s hard in the beginning, but continually reminding yourself why
you started the journey, whether it’s to lose weight, look better or feel
better, whatever the initial intent is, hold onto it.
While we’re on the topic, STOP calling it a diet! A diet
seems so temporary. When I think of a diet I think of something people use to
lose weight and then once they lose the weight they can go back to eating
however they want. But that isn’t the case at all. You must make a conscious
effort to change your life style permanently. If not you’ll just get into a
vicious cycle of dieting, gaining, dieting gaining etc. This not only messes
with your mental health, seeing your body fluctuate so much, but your physical
health as well.
I remember my mom calling this dieting cycle, yo-yo dieting.
Not so fun fact, Yo-Yo dieting can cause higher levels of body fat and cause
you to have less energy. Don’t we start “diets” to obtain the opposite effect?
It can also be a contributing factor to heart disease and muscle wasting. No
one wants muscle wasting…we want all the GAINS!
Moving on…….
So, I had a four-day weekend for the holiday. Friday, we
cleaned the house and put up our Christmas decorations.
Saturday, we got out of the house and went to this really
cool place in Tarpon Springs. Shout out to Replay Amusement Museum. It’s an
arcade and it was $13 all we could play! It was so awesome! It was rows of old
pin ball machines and rows of old arcade games such as centipede, Pac man,
Frogger, Super Mario bros. etc. The hubs and I played bowling together. Someone
took it a little too seriously.
If you haven’t been I highly recommend it.
Then Sunday……NEWS FLASH…Sunday is Jennifer wears girl shorts
to the gym day!! Yes, it’s true. Weird, I know. I mean, just look at those
Sunday is just cardio day for me. It’s supposed to be rest
day but I don’t know how to do that so I do an active rest and just do cardio.
I wear girl shorts on Sundays and no other day because:
It’s cardio day and boy shorts kinda get in the
No one I normally interact with is at the gym
when I go on Sunday mornings. Sunday is my one day to sleep in so my early
morning peeps aren’t there to see all that I’m working with.
I feel, for some reason, wearing boy shorts when
I lift gets me a little more respect and I am taken more seriously than if I
was wearing girl shorts or leggings. I’m not lifting on Sundays, so I can just
be freeeeeeee to be a big old girl.
It’s not only cardio day, its Jennifer working
on her self-confidence day. I’m not big on showing my legs or my body in
general. I stay pretty covered up most of the time. Even during the summer, I
only wear my bathing suit around my husband. Rarely do I wear my bathing suit
even around my own family because it causes such anxiety for me.
So Sundays….yah. That’s what Sunday’s are for.
It’s important to look anxiety in the face and stick your
tongue out sometimes.
What can I say…I’m a work in progress. All I can say is
anyone who thinks bullying isn’t a thing and doesn’t damage people……lets have
coffee sometime so I can tell you just how real it is. Bullying can F@*% you up
for life! #Truth
Phew….shit just got real!
So what did we learn today? Stop dieting, arcade games are
fun, on Sundays I pull inspiration from Beyoncé and I like to list things. I
mean this is my second blog post and I made another list for you. I promise no
list next time.
Hmmm….do bullet points count as a list?
Would you like to make your own PB & J? Here’s my
tweaked version of the recipe I used from the delicious cookbook by Brittney
Angell, Every Last Crumb
You can check her out and more of her yummy recipes at
You can check her out and more of her yummy recipes at
Paleo “Whole Wheat” Bread
4 Large eggs
1 ½ Cups Almond Butter (Using Cashew Butter will give you
more of a white bread)
¼ Cup Raw Honey
2 Tablespoons Lemon Juice (I prefer to use Apple Cider
Vinegar because I think it makes it taste more “bready.”)
2 Teaspoons Vanilla Extract
1 Teaspoon ground cinnamon (Omit it making white bread)
¾ Teaspoon baking soda
¼ Teaspoon kosher salt
1. Preheat oven to 370 degrees. Line an 8 ½ by 4 ½ inch
loaf pan with parchment paper.
In the bowl of a stand mixer, using the whisk
attachment, mix the eggs on medium speed until they are whipped and fluffy,
about 3 minutes. (Note: If you do not have a stand mixer you can place the eggs
in a large bowl and use a hand mixer on medium oooorrrrr if you’re feeling
really old school you can use a hand whisk)
Add the remaining ingredients and mix on medium
speed for another 2-3 minutes, until smooth and fully blended.
Pour the batter into the prepared loaf pan and bake
for 48-50 minutes, until firm to the touch and a deep, golden brown color.
Halfway through baking, cover loosely with foil to avoid over browning. (Note:
Gage the baking time by your oven. I baked my loaf for 45 minutes and still
burnt it……it was a brick. Next attempt I will drop the baking time down to 35 minutes
and adjust from there)
5. Store the cooled bread in a sealed plastic bag
at room temperature ( not in the fridge,) or freeze for later use.
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