gain[z] box

Favorite Summer Finds

June 30, 2017

Holy sweaty beast Batman! It’s a scorcher out there! Especially with all of the humidity we have lingering from our daily down pours. It’s enough to melt your popsicle. Summer is certainly in full swing. 

The hubs and I went pontooning with our Impact Fitness crew this past weekend. I was worried for a little while because there just didn’t seem to be a breeze and it was roasty toasty! But, as soon as we got going on the water it made a huge difference. The whole day was pretty overcast so we survived. It was nice to have a day of basically doing nothing. It feels like ever since our honeymoon we just haven't stopped. 

So, since we are in the thick of sweet summer time I thought I would share some of my favorite products for the season! sounds fun right?! Ok so lets get started! 

Now, I LOVE summer. No matter how much I sweat its my favorite season hands down! That being said I'm not as young as I used to be. I’m an old lady now so I have to wear makeup pretty much every time I leave the house as to not scare the children. The problem is that when you wear make up in the summer it tends to melt off your face. Its reminiscent of the end of Raiders of the Lost Arc…..remember that scene? When the guys face melts off? No? Maybe i’m dating myself? Well, if you don't know the reference go check it out here! So, you can understand what I'm talking about. Did you go look? It’s totally like that right? Girls if you feel me put your hands up! 

To combat the face melting I always apply a top coat of Mary Kay Makeup Finishing Spray. Let me tell you, it is worth every penny! Especially when I go for my lunch time runs at work I don't have to worry about bringing my make up with me to reapply because it stays in place! 

Wanna grab some to keep your face from melting off? Try it out at

Another product I love for my face is zinc. It blocks everything!

This was recommended to me by my dermatologist. Remember my spots? I mean they are still there but my dermatologist really helped me reduce there appearance. Of course the sun makes them worse. And what do we have a lot of in Florida….SUN! What a bummer. I wear zinc everyday now. You don't have to use a lot and I wear it under my make up. I haven't had any experience with clogged pours which is great because the last thing I need is to break out. 

When I purchased my skin care regimen from the dermatologist I received a sample of the Obagi tinted zinc. Its amazing! It adds a hint of color so your face doesn’t look so pale compared to the rest of your body. But that shits expensive! So I use the sample sparingly. Its a special occasion thing like lipstick or eyeliner. When I finally run out i’ll probably have to bite the bullet and pay for a full tube. Its just so great! 

Keeping with the skin care theme. lets talk lotion. Ok it's real time now. I have super dry skin on my hands and feet. It's weird, I drink over a gallon of water per day and I still have dry skin. I definitely get that from my mom. It's embarrassing sometimes. Especially on my hands because I have always had so many lines on my palms and having dry skin makes them stand out even more. So I apply lotion......constantly! I have tried so many different lotions, body butters, body oils etc. They all last for a little while but by mid day here comes the lizard lady. Recently I ran out of lotion and my hubby was nice enough to pick some up for me when he went grocery shopping. He ended up purchasing Aveeno. I have never tried Aveeno. Never really thought anything about it. Well! Newsflash! It is the BEST.LOTION.EVER! My feet actually look normal now! I can wear sandals without being self conscious and having to reapply through the day! Clearly, Jennifer Aniston bathes in this stuff. 

Now, lets talk hair. Ok, confession time, I highlight my hair. I was born a bleached blond baby. I always had golden locks growing up but as my twenties faded my hair became darker and on my 30th birthday I found a patch of about 4-5 grey hairs. Happy freakin’ 30th birthday! You’re old bitch! At least that is how it felt. Approaching my 30th I really thought I would be ok with it. I never thought I would ever color my hair because "just let the grey be grey its part of life." Well, when that day arrived and those grey hairs peaked out, all of that went out the window. I have been highlighting my hair ever since. And it suits me. So, with highlights comes maintenance. If I want to keep them nice and golden for as long as I can until my next appointment I have to put a little effort in. Regular shampoo, even if it's safe for color treated hair, can fad the color. I use purple shampoo once a week and yes, it is actually purple. It really helps maintain and enhance the color and who doesn't want the blondest hair on the beach! It's also great for silver hair as well. So I have something to look forward too! LOL

Last but not least, my favorite product for the summer is Zephyryhills Sparkling Water. I drink a lot of water during the day as I hope you do too. If you don’t, please go read my post about staying hydrated. I even drink more water during the summer months. All of that plain jane water can get boring. When I get home from work or spend the day out and about the last thing I want to drink is another glass of water. Blah. So we buy Zephryhills Sparkling water and it is just the best! It has a light flavor with no added stuff and no sodium like other sparkling waters. Plus, I helps curb my soda craving I get from time to time. If you haven't tried it you so should. Warning though, it has a tendency to make you burp-a-licious!

So there you have it! Those are some of my favorite summer finds. What products keep you feeling fantastic during the summer? Please share in the comments!

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Jennifer Tries.....Cryotherapy

June 23, 2017

Hey you! What have you been up too? It’s hotter than hades here in the sunshine state. I’m usually all for sweating my ass off through the summer but it has just been oppressive lately! This past weekend we went to a local outdoor market and well that didn't last long. We were out there for about 10 minutes before I was drenched in sweat! There was no breeze and of course it didn't help we were walking on asphalt so that’s just sauna central right there! Luckily we have a great new way to keep cool in the area now! 

We recently tried cryotherapy at Cry-X in Wesley Chapel. It’s owned by the most amazing woman. I mean the whole family is just great really. Her husband is an owner of Impact Fitness which you’ve seen me mention before because i just LOVE the Saturday bootcamp there. Well, his wife, Jessie Claxton, is the proud new owner of Cry-X. Have you ever heard of cryotherapy? If not, let me give you the 411 (That’s info for you young people LOL.)

Cryotherapy, in the beginning, was mainly used to treat Multiple Sclerosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Fast forward to its introduction to the Western world, cryotherapy is being used to treat those and then some! Cryotherapy has been touted for enhancing mood, energy and improving skin. Cryotherapy is being used more and more with athletes to alleviate muscle soreness, joint pain and decrease inflammation. But cryotherapy is for everyone! 

My husband an I were invited to the pre-grand opening of Cry-X

When we arrived the building was packed with people eager to try out this intriguing technology.  The atmosphere was very inviting. My husband was super excited because he loves the cold. I on the other hand was a bit anxious because I dread winter let alone sub zero temperatures!

We watched and listened as people entered and exited the Cryotherapy room. When it was our turn we were escorted to changing rooms, one for women and one for men. Each room had curtains in which you could change behind. We were given robes, wool socks, gloves and shoes. We were instructed to remove all jewelry and clothing except for undergarments and put on the robe and accessories.

When it was our turn we went into the cryotherapy room. The room held a large octagon shaped tank and two large nitrogen tanks. Don't worry, they have a sensor to make sure the oxygen levels are right where they need to be. 

Being a big baby when it comes to cold I made my husband go first. In his full gear he entered the tank. He then took his robe off and handed to the technician. We were privileged to have our session run by Biko Claxton from Impact Fitness. It was great he was there to support and help his wife out with her new business venture. Love them! 

My husband  was enclosed in the tank with his head exposed. As the tank was activated, nitrogen slowly poured over the top. With each passing interval the tank became colder and colder. My husband was in the tank for 2 minutes and the temperature dropped to -188!!! When his time was up he put his robe back on and exited the tank.  As he exited I could see his leg hair was white with frost!

Then, it was my turn. After so many people had gone ahead of me the tank was already freezing. My temperature plummeted to -171! I almost didn't make it the full two minutes. I could feel it in my thighs the most. Maybe it was freezing the fat…LOL.

 When my time was up I couldn't wait to get out of that tank! But, I felt so incredibly energized. The building was abuzz with how everyone felt so energized yet relaxed at the same time. The feeling in my thighs lingered for a bit until my body came back to room temperature. 

The next day I noticed that a lot of the muscle soreness I had been having from a strenuous leg day at the gym had subsided and some of the tension in my shoulders had as well. I can see why this is beneficial to athletes for sure! I can also see where, just like massage, if you implement this into your health and wellness plan you will experience many of the benefits cryotherapy has to offer. 

My husband and I purchased a package and have already been back. Because I knew what to expect, the second time went by a lot quicker. I'm excited to continue the treatments. 

Here are the details: 

  • The session lasts about 2-3 minutes depending on what level you feel comfortable at.    
  • Your first session you’ll typically be in the tank for 2 minutes at level 2.
  • You’re never left alone in the tank. There is always a technician in the cryotherapy room with you. 
  • You don’t need to bring anything with you. They provide the robe, gloves, socks and shoes. 
  • It’s quick! You can be in and out in under 10 minutes and go on about your day.
  • Cry-X hours of operation are Monday-Friday 9:00am-12:30pm, 2:00-6:00pm and  Saturday 10:00am-2:00pm. So it’s convenient for anyones schedule. 

The benefits of Cryotherapy include:

  • Boosts energy
  • Mood enhancement
  • Boosts immune system
  • Increase in athletic performance
  • Improve circulation
  • Decrease muscle soreness
  • Decrease inflammation
  • Injury prevention
  • Decrease healing time for injuries
  • Increase range of motion
  • Increase in flexibility
  • Boosts metabolism
  • Decreases body fat
  • etc. 

If you would like to know more and would like to schedule and appointment to try it out
contact Cry-X at (813)591-6366 or you can check out their website They will be happy to answer any questions you have and help you schedule your appointment so you can get your freeze on! 

Cry-X is located at 

You can also find them on Facebook! 

How to Grocery Shop Like a Pro

June 16, 2017

Barbells will make ya, JUMP JUMP! Boyshorts will make ya, JUMP JUMP!
Man, I needed that. It’s been a rough week over here. So much inner drama going on….sheesh! Don’t worry, I won’t bore you with that. Instead I’m going talk to you about grocery shopping!!!
Wait! Don’t leave! Give me a chance! Yes, I realize grocery shopping is probably the least exciting thing you would like to read about but I think you’ll find this helpful ok? Ok!
In my daily life, I am often asked about what I eat, why I eat the way I do and what someone needs to do to eat better or lose weight. I wish there was a one size fits all answer but there isn’t. Everyone is different and processes foods differently. However, when I do offer advice or take on a nutrition client one of my first tips I give has to do with grocery shopping. Not necessarily what to buy but how to shop.
Shop around the perimeter of the store first. If you go into your local grocery store you will notice that around the walls of the store they are lined with your fresh meats, fresh fish, vegetables, fruits etc. This is what you want the base of your diet to be. Your diet should be a majority of foods from these sections of the grocery store. Very little of your shopping should be done down the aisles.
In the aisles of the grocery store, which are located in the middle, this is where the majority of your processed, boxed and canned foods will be. Many of these foods contain ingredients that help preserve the food and extend its shelf life. When shopping down the aisle it is important to read the labels. Reading the label will help you determine if a food has hidden salt, sugar or preservatives. If a product has ingredients you can’t pronounce it’s a good rule of thumb not to eat it or eat it sparingly.
So, let’s go grocery shopping and I’ll show you what I mean!
This is where you want to do most of your shopping, the produce section. Just look at all those lovely vegetables and fruits. Sometimes, buying fresh produce like this can get pricey. An easy way to save money on produce is to shop at your local farm stand or farmers market. Plus, it will ensure the produce was grown locally which is great for your states economy and your body.
Staying on the perimeter of the store you will also find your fresh meats such as chicken, beef, turkey etc. Try to stay away from packaged meats as shown here.
If you look at the ingredients there is added sugar and soy which just add unwanted, unnecessary calories. You should stick to natural, lean cuts of meat. Try to avoid the added hormones and shop organic/natural. If you notice the chicken breast you're purchasing looks way too big to fit a regular chicken, that chicken was on ‘roids bro! Put It down and read some labels.
With beef aim for lean, grass fed cuts. It's important to remember with any meat source that whatever they are feeding the animal you are ingesting. So if they are pumping the animals full of hormones and processed "junk" food, you're ingesting that when you eat the animals meat. 
Now, certainly there will be items you need to venture into the aisles for. I'm not saying NEVER go down the aisles but hopefully I can help provide you with the ammunition you need to make better food choices and make them easier!

As I mentioned above, it is important to read the labels on all items but especially those that are stored in boxes, cans, plastic bottles etc. These items tend to have added ingredients your body doesn't need and just can't fully process. For example, look at this box of oatmeal. 

You probably wouldn't think it was different than any other box of oatmeal, plus oatmeal is a great breakfast choice right? But look at the ingredients. Why are there so many ingredients? And why are there so many you can't pronounce? We, as consumers are drawn in by convenience but here's a hint, you can make cinnamon oatmeal with regular oats just as quick! 

Now lets look at the healthier alternative, Steel Cut Oats. Look at the ingredients. Notice a difference? YES! There is a HUGE difference! The only ingredient in Steel Cut Oats are Steel Cut Oats. This is what the ingredients should contain, not all of that other mumbo jumbo. 
Another common food is peanut butter. Adults and children alike LOVE peanut butter. Bodybuilders swear by it......its freaking Peanut Butter! What's not to like?! The ingredients. 
Here is a pretty common brand of peanut butter, take a look at the ingredients. 

What the what is rapeseed and why is it in my peanut butter! And what would happen if my vegetable oil wasn't fully hydrogenated? So many questions. It you have to go hmmmm when reading the ingredients just put that sucker back on the shelf. 

Then there is a jar of organic peanut butter. Don't these ingredients look better? I don't know about you, but peanuts and salt sound way better than hydrogenated whos-a whats-it. 

Speaking of oils. Hey, I know they can be expensive. It's so cheap and easy to grab the old vegetable oil but DON'T! Just don't do it. Vegetable oils are highly chemically processed. Preferably go the more natural route by using olive oil or coconut oil. You can cook and bake with these oils the same as you would vegetable oil. They even make both of them in a spray form now so you can easily coat your pans! 
My final little tid not go grocery shopping when you're hungry. I know you have probably heard this one before but its true, especially when you are trying to stick to an eating plan. Grocery shopping when you're hungry is just self sabotage. You go in with the best intentions but end up grabbing things you really don't need and busting them open once you get in the truck just to find you have eaten almost the whole bag or container once you pull in the drive way. Or maybe thats just what happens to me. Is it just me? Just don't shop hungry ok? Ok!
Hopefully I have helped shed some light on grocery shopping for you and it wasn't too boring!
If you're still unsure and need additional help on what to look for please fill out the contact form with your name and e-mail address. Type 'list' in the message box and I will e-mail you a FREE copy of my grocery list to help you get started! 
Also, please feel free to e-mail the blog at if you have any additional nutrition questions. 
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Use what you have....The Laundry Workout

June 9, 2017

Celebrate Friday, come on! Let’s Celebrate! Bring your good times and your laughter too, I wanna celebrate Friday with you! Yah!
Welcome back with your bad self! What have you been up to this week? Saving the world? I feel you, I feel you. I went to Barre class again this week. If you want to read about my first Barre class experience you can find that post here (Jennifer Tries...Barre.) I’m still trying to find an early morning Yoga class for Sunday mornings. They all seem to start at 10am. Um…I wanna get it out of the way so I can enjoy the day people! This past weekend I could really feel that my body needed to take time away from the gym grind and just stretch. Do you ever feel like your body just doesn’t want to go? Ugh, I hate that feeling. Saturdays, I usually spend 2- 2 ½ hours at the gym working on my bench, squats and deadlifts but this past Saturday my body was not having it. My body felt beat up, so I tried to listen to it on Sunday. I tried.  I really wanted to go to yoga on Sunday but that didn’t happen because I got tired of searching for a class. So, I went to the gym, did some light cardio and spent the rest of my time stretching. I felt bad about not hitting it hard that day but I felt so much better on Monday. I guess there is something to this whole rest day idea……….. Darn it! I hate when science and my body are right!!!
This week I have talked to a couple people about making time for exercise. I think people approach exercise as an all or nothing task, but it doesn’t have to be.  I enjoy going to the gym but I also remember what it’s like to dread it, to see it as a chore.  It took me a long time to really enjoy it and respect all of the things my body can do. If you’re just starting out on your fitness journey or have a hard time sticking with it, what’s hindering your progress? Is it the time? Is it the setting? Is it the workout? Whatever it is change it! You don’t have to spend an hour at the gym to live a healthier lifestyle and see results. Even 20-30 minutes per day of physical activity can make a huge difference.  If you just don’t like the gym try taking your workout outdoors, to the pool, in your living room.  And, if it’s the workout you don’t like, well then! Switch it up! Try for new workouts, try Orange theory, Crossfit, Zumba etc. The possibilities are endless! If you like what you do to move, you will move!
With that being said, if you are just too busy you can find me here once a month with a new workout for you using things you have at home, in your car, anywhere! This week I’m showing you how you can get a quick workout in while doing the laundry! All you need is a laundry basket and dirty/clean clothes!

Ready! Let’s do this.  

Click here to watch the video!

Here’s what I did! 

Fill the basket- Squats -As many squats as necessary to remove handfuls of clothes from the hamper and place them in the basket
Stiff Leg Dead Lifts- I did about 15 of these. Depending on how heavy your laundry is you can really feel the burn!
Basket sleds- Pushed the full laundry basket back and forth 3 times
Laundry Lunges- Held the full laundry basket and lunged from the bedroom to the laundry room twice. 
Squat & Toss- As many times as you need to squat to grab the clothes and toss them in the washer
Front raises- I did about 15 of these. You could easily break them up into a couple sets of 10 for a better shoulder workout!
Bent over rows- I did about 15 of these as well. Again, you could break these up into sets or even superset them with the front raises!
Alternating reverse lunges- As many as you need to put the wet clothes into the dryer
Russian Twist(Abs)- You can work your abs and fold laundry! Just do as many as it takes to fold the laundry
Calf Raises- While hanging the clothes do calf raises every time you reach to hang something up
Then I finished with basket hops and sit ups with my legs on the basket! 

Time flies while you’re having fun and doing chores!

Want more workout ideas!? Checkout the blogs Instagram and Pinterest

And hey! Please fill out the the contact form below! Let me know what you think! 

Did I Eat That?- Snapping Back From a Long Weekend

June 2, 2017

Hey you! What it do?! Did you have a grrrrreat three-day weekend? Three-day weekends are the best! I feel like every weekend should be three days. Two days just isn’t enough and it doesn’t even out with the rest of the week. I mean who made up the work week anyway?! What yah-who said, “gee lets work our lives away for five days and then only have two days to relax.” IDIOT! On the other hand, long weekends, especially holiday weekends, can be the worst! When you’re really making an effort to dial in your diet and make positive changes in your nutrition you’re hit with a long holiday weekend. ::sigh:: It makes it so hard to stay on track.

Not so long ago these long weekends would cause such anxiety for me. I would internally panic about what I was going to eat when, what day I would have my cheat meal and the gym! OMG the gym, I would have to plan my entire weekend around that.
In recent years, I have gained a lot of control back over my body as opposed to my body controlling me. Long weekends still make me anxious but I brush it off for the most part. I would be lying if I said every food choice I made this past weekend didn’t weigh heavily on my mind. By Monday I was having eaters regret. And why? I’m not even quite sure. It’s not like I ate terrible. I had an extra dessert or two, I ate off schedule, ate too many nut based foods, Is that terrible? Is it worth beating myself up over? The answer is no. If you’re feeling this way or have ever felt this way after a holiday weekend you’re not alone.  Remember that a day or two of enjoying and extra dessert, an extra drink an extra serving is not a big deal if you look at nutrition as a lifelong endeavor. Then again, I also know what it’s like to break the clean eating cycle and feel like you’re losing control. I mean, let’s be honest, cupcakes are the bomb diggity wiggity and once you over indulge in sweet treats, even when using natural sugars like honey, it can be hard to resist having more. Dear dessert, you’re amazing an awful at the same time.
So, how do you get back on track Jennifer? That’s what you’re probably asking yourself. How do you overcome your sugar cravings and your diet becoming an overall shit show after a long weekend? I’m glad you asked! I’ll give you some insight on how I get back on track. There is hope, I promise! 
My biggest thing when I’m feeling…..ummm…fluffy. Yah, fluffy, let’s call it that, Is I need to eat my greens. For some reason getting back to basics and either drinking some green juice, having spinach in my breakfast or having a big salad makes me feel better about my life choices. It makes me feel like I’m guiding my body back to center. So, eat a big salad! You could include some lean protein to help keep you full but make sure you have lots of greens and veggies. The hubs and I went to Sweet Tomatoes on Monday for dinner and ate all the salad. It was delicious!
I also drink lots of water. Water is just wonderful! I feel like that should be there add campaign. Can’t you just see the commercials? It helps flush everything out. Not to mention it makes you feel full so you don’t over eat. On Sunday, we went over to Treasure Island to grab lunch and hang out at the beach for a little bit. I drank so much water waiting for our food to come that I could barely finish my salad and I only had a wing or two. My hydration was to the max and it kept me from consuming all of those extra calories.  

I also made sure to detox daily this past weekend by drinking warm lemon water with apple cider vinegar every morning. It’s gross for sure, but it also helps start up your metabolism, helps flush out harmful toxins and balances blood sugar. Check my Tips & Tricks board on Pinterest for more benefits of daily detox and apple cider vinegar.
Monday, I meal prepped. I know I have said this before but I can’t stress enough how helpful it is. When I prepare my meals, I feel more obligated to eat them and avoid other foods because I don’t want to waste.  Knowing that I had breakfast, snacks and lunch prepped for Tuesday upon my return to work helped me avoid grabbing any leftover sweets we had from the weekend. 
Then there is just putting myself in the right mind set. For me, if I fail at eating right, I fail hard! I go hard or go home which brings me back to binge eating. I don’t like going back to that place and feeling out of control so I have to make a conscious effort to bring myself away from self-sabotage. I take a few moments to mentally revisit why I consistently eat the way I do and how it makes me feel. I also remind myself that it isn’t the end of the world. One weekend of a relaxed diet did not cause me to gain 500lbs.  Nutrition is a journey much like fitness. Neither are destinations and are constant works in progress.
My biggest advice is to give yourself a break. Besides, stressing yourself out about what you ate or drank over the long weekend is only going to cause you to retain any weight gain you most likely didn’t have. Not to mention it will exacerbate your cravings for sweets! So just stop it! Be cool cool. You got this, just start anew the next day.
So, tell me, now that the long weekend has passed and summer is pretty much here what are your fitness and nutrition goals? Or maybe you have a body image goal? I would love to see what you have in mind! Maybe I can be of some help! I have started counting macros. My goal is to improve my understanding and meal planning based on my macros which include protein, carbohydrates and fats. Right now, I am SUPER confused but I keep reading and learning every day.
If you’d like to be notified via e-mail when a new blog post is up be sure to enter your e-mail under the fantastic selfie of yours truly!
Don’t forget to follow the blog below as well. Just scroll your pretty little butt down to the Follow Me button and press that sucker!  And while you’re there go ahead and fill out the contact form. I am going to start sending out a monthly newsletter full of workout ideas, recipes, tips and tricks and other goodies!
Oh! And I’m always posting workout ideas, food and fun on the blogs Instagram!

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