Hey you! What’s the happs? Your hair looks amazing today! Make sure you take a selfie and save that ‘ish because Irma is coming and she’s about to blow it all out of place.::sigh::……Irma. She is bringing all sorts of drama to this little peninsula.
Dear Hurricane Irma,
Please stay away.
Love, Jennifer
I mean seriously though! Summer was going along just fine then BAM! Harvey makes an appearance and now Irma decides she needs to join the party. What the what?! These storms show up all deceiving with their innocent old person names. You think they will be kind, maybe be a little cranky, but then turn around and give you one of the Werther’s they are carrying in their pocket. But no! They show up causing people to freak out about gas and get in to fist fights over water. It’s crazy town!
My husband, he’s the best, he went to SAMs Club earlier in the week to get water. They were sold out of course. But, they did have cases of sparkling water and propel! So, he bought that. LMAO! We are so fancy for this hurricane. At least I won’t be bored with my water and I’ll be hydrated! Plus, with the propel….ELECTROLYTES! Those puppies are important, right?!
When a hurricane comes to town, if you have never been through one, it is always important to stock up on nonperishable food items. Ya know, just in case you are without electricity for a while you want foods that doesn't need any preparation. Well, when my husband was out and about trying to get water he asked what he could get me that would be nonperishable. To be honest, I drew a blank. What was I going to eat? The majority of pre-packaged foods I can’t consume due to intolerances. So, I set out to find items I could eat if in fact we lost power or were stranded for a few days. Which brings me to this week’s post. I wanted to make sure to share with you all because I know some of you have food intolerances as well and may find yourself in the same predicament or if you ever do in the future you’ll have some ideas!
So, when my husband asked me what he could get for me, I originally said I would just share my dog’s food because, like her mother, she eats grain free. I mean, I was kidding but if it were do or die at least I have an option right?! LOL
Then, I immediately started thinking what the stores near me carry. Trader Joe’s…for the win! I knew they would have snacks for me. After work, I booked it over to Trader Joe’s. Surprisingly, they were not packed. There were fewer people there than on a typical week day. Crazy.
They didn’t have water but they had snacks! I picked up dried mango, grain less granola, a trail mix and couple RX Bars.
Dried fruit, like the delicious mango I bought at Trader Joe’s is a great snack! I always try to find dried fruit that doesn't have any added sugar. Make sure you read your labels to check for added sugar and to see if the product contains wheat, cornstarch, modified food starch and really anything that could cause a reaction. You would be surprised at how many “healthy” options contain or are processed on shared equipment with these ingredients and others.
Trail mix is another great option. They are a great source of protein, carbohydrates and fats. These are all nutrients your body needs to be as efficient and effective as possible. Aim to get a trail mix with nuts if you can tolerate them. They will help you feel fuller longer. Again make sure you read your labels for those added ingredients.
OOOO My favorite…Grainless Granola! There are other companies that make it so If you don't have a Trader Joe’s check your local grocer or fresh retailer but Trader Joe’s seems to be the most inexpensive. Plus, its delicious! It’s going to be really hard for me to wait until Irma passes to dive in to this bag. It’s yummy dry or with some Almond milk......when there isn't a hurricane :)
If you find yourself in a situation where you are without power or you are on the move to evacuate its always good to have some convenient snacks that can be used as a meal replacement in a pinch. I picked up a box of Quest bars and some RX Bars. They are both Gluten Free, most RX Bars are Paleo friendly and they are great sources of protein.
Now, some foods I typically have on hand that will come in handy are apples and baby carrots. While they aren’t exactly non-perishable they will last atleast a week and won't need refrigeration. Besides, your body will love you for feeding it fresh food. It will make you feel a billion times better especially if you have been eating only packaged foods.
I would also suggest cooking up a bunch of chicken, some green veggies that will last a little bit and some carbohydrates like quinoa. Once cooked these foods should last a day or two without refrigeration. This will give you a couple good meals before you dive into your rations.
Some other tips, although i’m sure by now you’ve heard these to death, fill up your tub so you have potable water. Any empty containers you have fill those with water from your faucet as well. While I know it may not taste as refreshing as bottled water it's a good idea to have as a back up. It could truly be a life saver.
So...Happy Hurricane Everybody! Stay Safe, Evacuate if you need to and Don't eat all of your snacks before the storm hits!
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