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What I've Learned From Yoga

February 23, 2018

Well hello again! Glad to have you back. Hope I didn’t almost scare you away last week but I was just keepin’ it real bruh.

Do you see this weeks blog photo? Pretty profesh huh? Trying to class it up a little bit around here. Do you like it? Or do you prefer my word vomit to be rough around the edges? Comment below, I would like your opinion.

So being that 2018 kinda has me in a New Year, New Me mentality I finally bit the bullet and signed up for Yoga. I have been talking about it for over a year now but always found a reason not to go. I always had something I had to get done and just couldn’t make it. Well, this year I said oh no it’s time to go. So I bought a Groupon… we sometimes do and I have attended 6 classes so far. Go me!

I have really been wanting to take Yoga for a few reasons;

1.       I need the stretch and to work on my mobility. I do not do that enough on my own and I know it will improve the work I put in at the gym.

2.       Stress Management. These days my mind is all over the place and I can never seem to be completely present in any one moment which adds even more stress to my daily stress. Stress on stress on stress.

3.       Group classes. Oh, how I miss them. I used to take all kinds of classes and I am still friends with the instructor who taught a majority of those classes. They are fun, interactive and you don’t really have to think about what you need to do because the instructor tells you. Win win!

Since joining a Yoga studio I have learned a thing or two.....or more.

1.     I am more flexible than I thought and have good balance

Granted, I still have a lot of mobility work to do but I was generally impressed with myself during my first class. 

2.    Yoga is come as you are

Now, I can only speak for myself and the Yoga Studio I have been attending but I just feel like once I walk through the door it is a judgement free zone. Doesn’t matter what you wear, how you look, what size you are, how loud you sigh or even if you win at posing. It’s neutral territory. I carry insecurities from my toes to my nose but once I’m there my focus shifts to my practice. It’s pretty liberating. 

3.    I don’t know how to breath

It is truly amazing to me, after these past few weeks attending yoga, that I have lived this long. I have no idea how to breathe! Through out the class you are supposed to pay attention to your breath and use your breath to help you through each pose. Well, anything outside of the shallow breathing I’m used to and I feel like I’m gasping for air! WTF! I ran a marathon, and I can’t take a deep breath?! I have some work to do. 

4.    The atmosphere really sets the tone for your practice

I have taken yoga classes in the past. This is the first time, however, that I have been consistent. I took a class or two in college…really don’t remember them. I’ve dabbled in Yoga DVDs, I’ve taken classes out doors and I have taken a few classes at a local gym. The difference with where I am taking yoga now is the atmosphere. I find when I do Yoga at home I am easily distracted and can only think about getting it over with, so I can take care of things around the house. Taking Yoga outside was nice but when it’s held next to a parking area, hearing the cars drive by doesn’t allow your mind to fully be present their either. When I took classes at my gym there was no dimming of the lights, so it was so bright and plus, you could hear the thumping of the gym floor music, clanging of weights and just the normal hustle and bustle of fellow gym goers. It was next to impossible to relax the mind and body with all of that going on. Where’s the zen my friend? Not at a Globo gym that’s for sure.    

Where I am now the studio is quaint. The color scheme is warm and inviting and it smells of incense (not typically my thing but it suites this environment.) The lighting is a low glow at all times. When I walk in I feel as though my body lets out a sigh and whatever baggage I have from the day gets left at the door for the time being.

Finally, what I have learned is that I really needed this. Not only for the mobility/flexibility work but for the mental relief. Ask anyone, I don’t stop. My philosophy is work first then play. I have this need to make sure all of my “chores” are done before I will even consider doing something fun or relaxing. Man, my mom was lucky to have me growing up……I’m disciplined AF! I mean what other teen do you know sets their own bed time to make sure they get their daily recommended 8 hours? Not to mention getting home from school and doing my homework before I went out to play?! What’s wrong with me 😊 Yah, that was me…..and still is. LOL.

Now-a-days, even going out to dinner can seem inconvenient to me if I haven’t cleaned the house yet or I need to do laundry or pack my food for the next day. I have a hard time doing absolutely nothing. No matter what, I can find something that needs to be done. With Yoga, you have to succumb to the process, to the practice. My favorite part is the end. I mean, I LOVE the class, I just get the most out of the end. It’s called something fancy but don’t ask me to repeat it because I will butcher the word for sure!  The lights are dimmed further, we lie on our backs and the music is lowered until it’s almost nonexistent and we are just there. Although I have never meditated….you know, ‘cuz I can’t sit still, I imagine in those moments at the end of class that is pretty close to what mediation is like. And I have to tell ya, it’s refreshing. To empty my mind, if even for a few moments……::sigh:: To know that it is possible, in those moments I am fully relaxed.

What do you do to relax or practice self-care? Better yet, how do you clear your mind from the noise of daily life and how often do you incorporate these practices? I would love to read what you have to say! Please comment below, comment on Instagram or send me an e-mail.

Have a great weekend….Ommmmmmmmmmm.

Dark Circles

February 16, 2018

WHHHHHAAAAATTTT I’m back bitches!!! Awww yeah! Its 2018 and I’m ready to drop some healthy knowledge bombs on all of you! LOL. No but really, hey there! I couldn’t think of a better way to ring in the New Year (yes, I realize that was months ago…blah) than with a new blog post.  Shenanigans! I’ve been out of the game for a hot minute. Did you miss me?  I’ve missed writing to you…. whoever takes a few moments to read this.  Darn you Hurricane Irma!
I have been having trouble figuring out what to write. Do I recap what my life has entailed since I went on hiatus? Do I just start a new? I just haven’t really known so I figured I would just keep it real. Life has been crazy. And by crazy, I mean a total shit show. But that’s life, right? My Mom always says, “That’s life, deal with it.” So, I’m dealing. I could use a vacation or even just a weekend. But, if you know me…that’s not in my cards. I have a hard time taking time off. It gets me out of my routine and my mind wanders which is never a good thing.
My sister and her family went to Aruba this past December. My sister is on this kick about making memories instead of giving gifts to her family. It’s a great idea. The experiences will last a lifetime where as the tangible products will lose their luster. And, who needs more shit to sit around? Not me!
She recently started talking to me about this year’s family trip. She wants my hubs and I to join them. She talked about Ireland and she talked about Alaska. I’m not really into the whole Alaska thing…..HELLO….it’s cold there! Do we forget I do not do well in the cold?! But, I would do it. My husband REALLY wants to go, and I want to make it to all 50 states before I expire so I could suck it up. The issue is that I just don’t want to go on vacation. Especially for any extended period of time. 
Ever since I got back from our honeymoon in Hawaii, April 2017, I have been wrecked. That trip was the first time in probably 5-6 years I was living life. It felt like this giant fog had parted away from my eyes and I could finally see color, smell the sunshine and breath. When that week came to an end I shed tears knowing I was going to come back to my regimented, Monday through Friday, sun up to sun down life. My life where my weekends are just two days off to prepare for the next work week. My life of complete exhaustion. My life of bed times, bills and deep dark circles under my eyes even makeup can’t fully cover. A life in which I was just going through the motions.
When we got back home I was obsessed with looking at photos and videos from our trip. I would listen to their local radio station online all in hopes to keep that feeling alive. Then slowly that stopped. It all changed, and this overwhelming feeling of sadness came over me and it has stuck there. I can’t look at photos of our trip anymore because I just cry.  My sister says there is more to life than Hawaii. She’s just saying that because she has never been. Hawaii is life! LOL.  She says I need to go more vacations. Instead of being sad about one ending I should start planning the next one so I have something to look forward too. She’s smart.
With everything going on lately I have been distracted beyond belief and haven’t had time to dwell on the fact that my days are no longer filled with visions of the bluest water I have ever seen. Then the other night I went to get my hair done. As I was sitting in the chair, looking in the mirror while the lady plastered my hair with foils to bring out my natural blonde highlights and cover up the small streak of grey hair I have hiding, I saw them. Those deep dark circles engulfing my sunken in, tired eyes. I had a fleeting thought of “I’m just tired of being tired.” As I stared at my face in the mirror I also noticed the slight downward turn of the corners of my mouth. I took a deep sigh. My focus returned to my eyes. “I can’t remember the last time I didn’t have dark circles under my eyes.” I thought to myself. Then I remembered. “Nope, I remember. Hawaii.” The last time and really the only time in the past 5-6 years my eyes were bright and open was when we were in Hawaii. When I was living life, when I was my best self. My eyes welled up slightly, but I fought back the tears to avoid embarrassment.
When my mind goes there I put up my wall. My thoughts immediately switch to regret. Why did I ever agree to go on that stupid trip? I never should have gone for a whole week? Its just easier to live in my bubble. But is it? The answer is no. My bubble is complacency.
While I usually forget resolutions or don’t make them at all this year I made myself a promise to keep moving forward. My dream is to help others. Help others achieve their health and fitness goals and be the best version of themselves. I want to own my own business and so slowly, way slower than I would like, I have started working toward that goal. I realized A LOT on that trip and one of those realizations is life is too short to let it just happen around you. You need to get involved, steer your own course instead of falling in line.  So, for me 2018 is the year of making moves, the year of change, the year of progress, the year of becoming Jennifer again.
What is 2018 for you? I would love to hear what you have going on for this year! Are you rediscovering yourself like me? Are you making a move in your career, where you live etc?  Leave a comment or messages me on Instagram. You can even e-mail me.
Thanks for reading! I promise next weeks blog post will be more……up beat? I just let me fingers do the talking today.

Catch ya on the flippity!

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