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Fruit is Fabulous!

March 16, 2018

Good mornin’ boys and girls! It’s a mighty fine day today. LOL OMG! I have to share with you. So, when I was working Hurricane Irma the company I work for hired a bunch of temps to come in and help out with the exorbitant claim volume. There was this one guy that came in from Texas. Everyone called him cowboy. Not only did he dress like a cowboy, hat, boots and belt buckle, but he sounded just like Woody from Toy Story. Every morning as we all rolled in half asleep to greet another 12 hour day he would loudly say “Good mornin’ boys and girls! It’s a mighty fine day today.” It always put a smile on my face and I couldn’t help but secretly want him to follow that with “There’s a snake in my boots!” Good times. I don’t know what made me think of that. It’s the little things.

How was your week? Mine has been hectic as usual. The only thing that has kept me from surrendering to my bed is that I need to get my PTO back in the positive. I’m rockin’ that negative PTO life right now and it’s not fun. I don’t know, this time change has really affected me this year. SOOOO TIRED! Normally I greet the time change with arms wide open. No more getting home when its dark! But this week has been rough. #imoldashell All I can do is keep my routine, make sure my diet is in check and get enough sleep. This too shall pass right? Man, I hope so.

Speaking of diet, this week I wanna talk about fruit. All the fruit. Poor fruit. I feel bad for fruit.  People demonize it for its sugar and carbohydrates, but fruit is important for our diet. So, let’s put fruit in the spot light, shall we?

Who doesn’t love fruit! It’s delicious, refreshing, sweet, sometimes sour if that’s what you’re into. It adds flavor to your meals and your life! It just pops on the palette. But besides just the deliciousness that is fruit, there are several benefits for our bodies as well. For instance, several fruits have an abundance of potassium. Potassium can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Stroke runs in my family so any preventative measures I can take, especially as easy as eating a piece of fruit during the day, Sign me up! Some good sources of potassium include the obvious fan favorite, bananas but also cantaloupe, kiwi and apricots as well as citrus fruits.

You may have also heard in passing that fruit is a good source of folic acid. Folic acid helps the body form red blood cells.  And for our moms to be out there, It is also touted for preventing tube birth defects and spina bifida. Fruit sources containing folic acid include peaches, citrus fruits, strawberries and raspberries.

Many fruits are also rich in fiber. Fiber is important in our diet to help regulate our bowels……yes, I went there. I’m sorry! You need a good poo at least once a day. Don’t act like you don’t. What does the Charmin commercial say? Enjoy the go? Isn’t that it. Fiber also helps lower cholesterol, regulate blood sugar and aid in weight loss. See…..abs ARE made in the kitchen. It’s true. Fruits that are high in fiber include raspberries, pears, apples (I eat an apple a day…go me keepin’ that doctor away what what!) strawberries and figs. Make sure to eat these with the skin to get the full fiber experience. LOL

Berries; blueberries, blackberries, raspberries etc. are full of antioxidants. Antioxidants give us more energy, build up our resistance to colds and flu, make our skin look younger and help alleviate allergies. I know with all of the pollen in the air lately it probably would hurt to grab an extra handful of blueberries during the day.

And yes, it’s true, fruit tends to be high in carbohydrates and sugar. But guess what, it’s natural sugar! Not that processed, bleached shit that is found in a package of Oreos. And carbohydrates, they’re kind of a big deal and they are good for you, especially your brain. Carbohydrates give you energy, help your body process protein and can aid in weight loss. Yup, they aid in long term weight loss. #knowledgebomb

So see, fruit is great! It provides our bodies with essential vitamins and minerals. Fruits gives us energy and flavor. Maybe try having some fruit in the morning instead of your coffee or tea. You may be surprised….who am I kidding…..fruit is great but give up coffee? No Way! Sorry 
not sorry.

Here is an awesome little chart I found on Pinterest if you want to find out more about your favorite fruits and their benefits.

If you go to my Pinterest board “smoothies” I have pinned a bunch of smoothie recipes, so you can enjoy your fruit on the go.

Alright kids….gotta run. Work is calling…UGH, I need a vacation. Just keep swimming. At least until I can bring my PTO out of the gutter.

Laterz………catch me on the socials. Just click an icon below and there I’ll be!

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