What up?!! Hey, sorry no post last week but …… you know…..I
had life happening soooooooo. But, I’m here! So, last post I was anticipating
the Jersey Shore reboot. Did you watch it? I wasn’t able to watch it Friday
evening because the hubs and I went to our nephews’ spring concert for their
school. They were so funny and so adorable.
The youngest, while he was singing his friend covered his mouth! LOL.
Kids……am I right?! So, I ended up watching the Jersey Shore on Saturday.
reboot, or what they are calling a “Family Vacation,” takes place in Miami. I
personally feel they should have brought it back to the shore for this first
season back but that’s just me, what do I know. So, they are in Miami, sans
Sammi. I won’t spoil anything if for some reason you haven’t watched it but
what I will say is holy plastic surgery Batman! Hey, I’m all for you doing you
but it caught me off guard with how plastic the girls’ faces looked. They were
already adorable. If it ain’t broke…….
Anywho…I won’t go off on that tangent. This week we’re
talking pushups. What’s up with pushups? Pretty much everyone hates them, but
you still see people struggling to get through them at the gym. There are also
those who enjoy adding to the torture and add weights, a buddy, take it to an
incline or a decline. You know, get fancy with it.
Throughout my fitness journey I have had three goals in my
mind that I have been dead set on one day on achieving. I have no set time
frame to achieve these goals, but they are ever present in my daily training.
Most people that train with weights typically think of setting a PR on bench
press, squat and deadlift as goals they would like to meet but for me, my goals
are more simplistic. I have always wanted to be able to do sits ups, pushups
and pull ups. Your typical calisthenics. #basic
When I was young, in PE I struggled with all three. I
couldn’t do a sit up to save my life. Mainly because of my chubby little belly,
which turned into a large chubby belly as the years went on. Pull ups, the
other kids would at least make it half way to the bar, me, I would just dangle.
And pushups….pppssshhhhttt forget it! And, of course, all of these movements
were performed in front of the entire class in some sort of fitness evaluation.
Being a heavy kid, this did not bode well in my favor. The ridicule that
followed left me hating PE. This stuck with me throughout my school years. Why
are kids so mean?! Sheesh.
When I set out on my fitness journey after grade school,
these three simple movements were my go to in determining my worth in the gym.
Was I getting stronger? If I could pull off these movements then I knew I had
made it. I was fit. I’ll never forget the day I did a full sit up without
flailing all over the place. I could have cried. I was so happy and realized
how far I had come. My inner fat kid wanted to run around and say “See! see! I
can do sit ups!” Then there are pull ups….my never-ending work in progress. If
you have read some of my older blog posts, you’ll read my struggles. I had
pretty much given up on pull ups over the past year. In recent months, I
decided to try them again for shits and giggles and I made it about ¼ of the
way up. My motivation was restored, and I have been trying to incorporate them
little by little back into my routine.
Then there are pushups.::sigh:: They have always been a struggle. My core strength and upper body
strength just weren’t up to par enough to get the job done. Even performing the
movement on my knees was a chore. And trust me, I did not like doing push-ups
on my knees. They are often referred to as girl pushups. NOPE! I wanted to do
what the boys did and do it better if I could. It’s only in recent years that
my push-ups have gotten significantly better and my knees are down no more! I
have really taken the time to work on my posture, core and upper body strength
and can perform multiple push-ups without fatigue. This is why I love the
gym. It’s a place where hard work always
pays off.😊
There are all kinds of work out regimens out there. I see
workouts all the time, the “No Sit Up Six Pack,” Routine, the “No Pushup Chest
Workout,” and so on. But, aren’t these simplistic movements important?
I wanted to dive deeper into the pushup. It was my enemy for
so long. The hatred I had for this exercise was insane. If my training for the
day included pushups, I dreaded it, I would cut my reps short but I would
begrudgingly suffer through them. So why
did I keep doing them? Because, push-ups are important.
Pushups can be performed anywhere! You do not need any
equipment to perform a push up, just your body weight. This makes them a very
versatile exercise. When we think of push-ups we think of it as a chest
exercise, but push-ups are truly a full body movement. They incorporate not
only the chest but the shoulder, core, lower back and quadriceps.
Think about yourself in the push up position, on your toes,
body in a straight line from head to toe, shoulders tracking over your wrists.
As you lower toward the ground and then push yourself back up your using your
shoulders, chest and even triceps/biceps to stabilize your upper body. You
engage your core to keep your middle from sagging and assist your upper body
with stabilization. Then your quads are activated to keep your knees from hitting
the ground. All of this is happening in sync just to lower and raise your body.
This simplistic movement takes your shoulder muscles through a full range of
motion, stabilizing your shoulder girdle through the entire movement and keeping
your core tight to help alleviate the pressure from your lower back. There is a
lot going on in one exercise, building strength in the body without any
weights. As you progress your push up the strength and mobility you gain from
this exercise transcends into other movements such as bench press, shoulder
press etc.
Performing push-ups is also a great way, as is any strength
training exercise or program, to stimulate your metabolism and increase blood
circulation which increases your calorie burn. I’m sure if you’ve ever
performed a set of push-ups….heck! sometimes even one push-up, you’ve noticed
your heart rate increases and you start to break a sweat.
While your big four movements (squat, deadlift, bench press,
and shoulder press) should be a staple in your routine don’t forget about your
basic movements such as push-ups. They can really help you progress your
Think you suck at push-ups?! Think you just can’t do them?
Think again my friend! There are push-ups for everyone! I know, I know…not what
you want to read but hear me out. Start small. If getting down to the ground is
not in your cards right now start with wall push-ups! Yes, that’s a thing. You
can start building up your upper body strength, work on engaging your core and
Once you’ve gotten the hang of those move to an incline
push-up on a bench. Then you can take it to the mat and keep your knees on the
ground then eventually you can go to a full push-up position. It can be a
process but you’ll see the benefits and changes in your body and strength for
There are many variations of push-ups you can utilize in
your training. Check out my Push-up Pinterest board to give you more ideas,
step-by-step instruction and even push-up challenges!
All right….I’m outta here for now peoples. Let me know If
you get some push-ups in this weekend. Better yet, tag me in your pics!
@barbellsandboyshorts on the IG.
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