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Jennifer Tries...

April 28, 2017

Hello to you and all of your amazingness! Yes, you are amazing. It’s true….I googled it.
::Sigh:: I am so tired this week. Coming back from a week long vay-cay is no joke. When we travelled to Oahu we didn’t seem to have any issue acclimating to the time change but coming back has been a different story. I don’t really think it’s so much the time change as it has been me just freaking myself out thinking about the work load waiting for me upon my return.
So, this week I’m starting a new post which will be reoccurring on this blog at the end of each month. I’m calling it “Jennifer Tries.” Each month I will try a new recipe, workout, gym, class etc. and I will share it with you all! For me, especially when it comes to group fitness or new exercises, I like to know all I can before trying it out myself. It helps me feel a little more comfortable so I don’t look like such a newbie when I finally give it a go. You what I mean? It’s always so awkward walking into a group you don’t already belong to. And trying a new exercise can be just as intimidating. I always feel like everyone is watching, waiting for me to screw it up. In reality, they could probably careless what I’m doing but still!
So, this first “Jennifer Tries” post was supposed to be about surfing. I was in Hawaii after all. What better place to learn than there!? Well, the day we were going to take lessons the waves were too high for beginners they said. We just didn’t have time the rest of the trip. Bummer.
Since my surfing lesson did not happen I decided to do this initial “Jennifer Tries” post on a few products and foods I have recently tried and love! Ooooorrrrr not so much.
Life Proof Phone Case Now, I know I recently posted a little blurb on Instagram about this phone case but I can’t say enough good things about it. My husband has had a Life proof case for years now. I always thought it was silly to spend that much on a case, much like the Otter Box. With our honeymoon approaching I realized I would need to get some kind of case for my phone so I could take pictures no matter where we were. I bit the bullet and purchased a Life Proof Case. I was so worried it would be bulky and my voice would be muffled but none of the above occurred. The case is pretty thin and my voice comes through clear as a bell to the person on the other end. I put this bad boy to the test when we went snorkeling. I swam with it, took pictures under water and had no issues! I took that phone in the Life Proof Case kayaking, hiking, to the beach, in the ocean with no issues. It has definitely surpassed my expectations. I highly recommend getting one if you are going on any type of adventurous get away or even if you have kids. I don’t have to worry about my phone anymore because it is truly life proof!

Camel Pack….well kinda If you aren’t familiar with camel packs they are less bulky back pack like things that have a refillable water pack inside, room for a small amount of belongings and a tube that comes out of the side so you can drink and be active at the same time. I always thought they were so nerdy and people who used them just wanted to use #allthegear. They have always felt like a humble brag way of saying “I’m so fit right now.” So, when my husband said, I’m ordering you a camel pack.” I crinkled my nose and rolled my eyes at the idea. He ordered a generic camel pack for me on Amazon. I think it was like $18. We lugged this thing all the way to Oahu. I had no intention of using it but on Saturday when my husband had planned two hikes for us he immediately wanted me to fill up the camel pack. So, I did. I mean he did buy it for me and if it made him feel better, me wearing this thing, that’s fine. Well, I must say. He was right. I did six hikes while on our trip and not once did I regret having that pack full of water. Granted it didn’t keep the water cold but there were a couple hikes I really appreciated having water readily available. I still wouldn’t wear it out in my day to day but I will pack it the next time we plan a trip that involves a lot of hiking or physical activity.

Lomi Lomi Whaty? Whaty? Exactly. It’s a traditional Hawaiian dish. I mean, Lomi Lomi means several things but I’m referencing the salad. I guess you could call it a salad. I dunno, but I know it’s delicious! When we went to our Luau, which was fantastic, they were telling us what the dinner consisted of and Lomi Lomi was one of the dishes. Now, being a mainlander my entire life I had never heard of Lomi Lomi. Luckily, each dish was labelled with dietary information and ingredients so after reading it over I found that I could have it so I tried it! It was great! And it’s so easy. It’s just cubed salmon, yellow onion (they use Maui onion,) scallions and tomato. That’s it! So simple, so clean, so yummy. I have included a recipe at the end of this post so you all can try it too. It may become a new staple at your family gatherings.

Coconut Jell-o Yes, I have had Jell-o before. I can remember when Jell-o jigglers were popular. My mom would make a batch of Jell-o and pour it into a 9x13 dish. Once it somewhat solidified in the fridge we would use cookie cutters to cut out shapes. We always bought strawberry, cherry, really any berry flavor I liked. As I have gotten older Jell-o has become less and less appealing especially since I eat so differently now. Oh man, Jell-o pudding though! That’s a different story! Jell-o pudding used to be my jam! But, back on track. When we were in Oahu we went to breakfast a couple of mornings and to the luau I mentioned above. At both, they served coconut Jell-o. I didn’t try it until the luau. I really wanted a dessert because everyone else was having cake. While Jell-o isn’t the best option it was the only one I had so I put some on my plate. I took one bite and YUCK! It was gross. It had a hint of coconut which was ok but the texture totally got me. I guess because I haven’t had it in so long I just don’t like the texture anymore. I will stick to my coconut syrup……which is delicious, I brought some home and will use it very sparingly because I only have one bottle and its full of sugar so I shouldn’t be eating that all the time anyway. But everyone should try it or not ‘cuz it’s addicting.
Oh, quick give away update. I am my only follower So I get the give away!!! Yeah me! If you would like to be a recipient of any future giveaways please add your e-mail address and click the follow button!I will be giving away treats and cook books and other goodies so please follow! The more followers the more I’ll be able to give away!
Now here is that Lomi Lomi recipe I promised.
Lomi Lomi
Makes 8-10 servings
1lb fresh salmon filet, skinned and cut into a small dice
2tsp Hawaiian Rock Salt or Kosher Salt
5-6 ripe tomatoes, seeded, small dice
1 medium Maui onion or Vidalia onion, small dice
1 bunch green onions(scallions) thinly sliced- use both white and green parts
1-2 tsp of Hawaiian Rock Salt or Kosher Salt
In a small bowl add diced salmon and salt. Mix well, cover and refrigerate 6-8 hours. Give it a stir every couple of hours.
Mix tomatoes, onions, green onions and 1 tsp of salt together in a bowl then transfer to a gallon sized food storage bad and let chill in the fridge while the salmon is quick curing. When the salmon is ready give it a light rinse under cold water, drain well an pat dry with a paper towel. Take out the bag with the tomato mixture and clip off a small piece of the corner to drain the excess liquid. Once drained, place everything in a bowl. Add diced salmon and mix well. Add additional salt if desired.
Serve chilled
Don’t forget to take a look at the blogs Instagram at Barbellsandboyshorts for fun pictures of my recent trip, workout ideas and meal ideas.
Check out the blogs Pinterest for some of my favorite pins including grocery shopping guides, helpful Whole 30 information and recipes, Paleo information and recipes, quotes and workout ideas.
See you all next week!

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