gain[z] box

Journaling is FUNdamental!

August 25, 2017

Well this week started out with a bang! Did you watch the eclipse? Honestly, I didn’t really care but then I got sucked into the hype and went outside during work to check it out. People were going crazy over this thing! It was pretty cool, but still! I didn’t think it was hysteria worthy. People were talking Zombies, Vampires……I mean…..let’s get real here.  The last one I saw I was maybe 6 or 7 years old and I can remember making our own viewers at daycare and all going out to watch it. I don’t remember all the craze surrounding it though. I dunno. Those were the good days. No bills, no responsibilities. Calgon…take me away!

You wanna know what I’m obsessed with right now? Of course you do! Well, I am 100% obsessed with the Mind Pump Podcast. I recently found out about these guys through the Girls Gone WOD podcast, which is also amazing and you should check them out.  Since I’m late to the Mind Pump game I have over 500 episodes to binge listen to. It’s awesome! Lots of great health, fitness and business information in a fun, non-boring way. You should go check them out on iTunes!

I am also obsessed with dried mango. No sugar added, plain dried mango. It’s delish! I seriously can make myself sick off of it. I could easily binge eat mango as I binge listen to Mind Pump. While dried fruit, sans the sugar, is a great snack and source of carbohydrates nothing is beneficial to you in excess. BUT IT’S SO GOOD! Luckily, over the past month I have started tracking my food, again. This has helped me dial in my mango craze. I bought a cute little spiral notebook and I write every meal or snack I have into that notebook. I haven’t kept a food journal in a long time. Since my Weight Watchers days really. I have logged my food in an app here and there but I haven’t been consistent in a long time. Since beginning journaling this time around I realized just how much my portions had started to go all over the place! I also realized how much I missed it. Yes, you read that correctly, I missed food journaling. It’s almost therapeutic to me in a way. It offers me a place to take accountability for my nutrition and better understand how certain foods make me feel. And it’s a great place for me to celebrate my nutritional successes.

Journaling can feel overwhelming and time consuming at first. When I journal I like to physically write everything down. For most people, it’s easier and more convenient to log their food in an app. It’s really whatever your preference is. For me, the app allowed what I ate to be out of sight and out of mind.

No matter how you prefer to journal it’s just important to journal. Why you ask? (If you didn’t ask just go with it ok……just pretend. Thanks!) Journaling creates awareness of what you’re eating. Once you start journaling you may realize you dine out more than you thought, you don’t eat enough vegetables, you are consuming more sodium than you were aware of. Maybe you aren’t consuming enough nutrients or you’re consuming to much of a nutrient.  That’s what happened to me. I was consuming way too much protein. LOVE PROTEIN…NOM NOM NOM. So, my body was just hanging on to the excess and I wasn’t leaning out. No matter how little food I ate or how much I worked out it wouldn’t budge. Since tracking again I’ve been able to even out the kinks and I’m seeing results.

The great thing about food journaling is if you write it down it happened, you ate that. So, if you don’t want to write it down don’t eat it! If you can keep that mantra in the back of your mind you will see your food journal and your nutrition improve steadily.

Now, journaling isn’t just for food. You can use journaling in other areas as well. It’s also a great idea to journal your workouts. It will help you keep track of your working days and your rest days. You can track the amount of weight you lifted so you can continue to improve. You can also track your cardio. A fitness journal, like a food journal, can help you see your imbalances. Are you doing too much cardio? Too little cardio? Can you increase the weight you are lifting? What areas are you weak in? Once you are aware of your imbalances you can adjust your fitness routine to correct them. You may also realize you need to take more time for restorative exercises such as yoga or meditation.

Although tracking your food and exercise is a beneficial practice, journaling to reflect has an enormous benefit as well. I’m not saying you need to turn this into a nightly, Dear diary session, but taking time to journal about what’s going on with YOU can have several benefits.

Journaling can:

·         Help you clarify your thoughts and feeling

·         Reduce Stress

·         Evokes Mindfulness – which is great when you’re
           working on healthy eating and exercise!

·         Increase creativity

·         Promote healing

Sometimes, if I’m feeling particularly sad, angry, anxious, whatever I will just write or type. I’ll pull up a blank word doc and just put my fingers to the keyboard. I‘ll put all of my feelings out on paper and then re- read them. I don’t usually save it because just the act of putting it out there helps me mentally and relieves a weight I have been carrying around. Re-reading it helps me see areas where I may be over reacting, under reacting or what I need to just let go of. The ones I do save I go back and read from time to time. They often make me laugh! Why did I let something like that upset me?! LOL.

If you’re feeling stuck in your nutrition, exercise or in your day to day, give journaling a try. You may be surprised at the results.

Jennifer Tries....The Salt Room

August 18, 2017

Feelin’ HOT HOT HOT….dun…nuh. Feelin’ HOT HOT HOT! People on fire, filled with desire feelin’ HOT HOT HOT! That’s how is goes right? I dunno. Sounds good. 

So, school has official started here in the Sunshine State which means fall is fast approaching. If you have ever spent anytime in Florida in the fall then you know it’s the same as summer but the days are shorter. ::sigh:: Needless to say the heat is still HOT HOT HOT! LOL I certainly can't say that I hate it but a little break in the heat wave wouldn't be the end of the world. 

Yah know, I really don't know what happened to this summer! It’s like I blinked and it was gone. Such a bummer. I barely visited the beach! What the what!? I mean, it’s not like I live that far from the beach but I never really made it out there. UGH! Luckily, there’s a new place in town that offers all the benefits of going to the beach minus the heat and the need to wear sunscreen. 

What is this magical place you ask? Well, The Salt Room of course!

Have you ever heard of The Salt Room, or any salt room? I first heard about salt rooms on the radio. An afternoon show host I listen to from time to time was discussing how he takes his father regularly to help with his breathing. When I heard one opened up near me I just had to try it! My mom suffers from COPD/Emphysema so anything that can offer her some relief I am down for. 

So, this past weekend I grabbed my sister and my niece and we took a trip over to The Salt Room. 

When we walked in it had a very spa like feel. The walls were a calming blue and several salt lamps were intermingled with the products they had for sale. 

I checked us in at the front desk and we were given a brief questionnaire to complete.

Within that questionnaire there was a list of benefits of Salt therapy.

These benefits include relief of symptoms and conditions related to: 

  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Colds
  • COPD
  • Emphysema
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Breathlessness
  • Tonsillitus
  • Ear Infections
  • Chronic Bronchitis
Just to name a few. 

Salt Therapy also: 
  • Reduces Bronchial inflammation
  • Enhances sport performance/physical endurance
  • Clears pollens, toxins and pollutants form the lungs
  • Reduces snoring 
  • Improves sleep patterns in adults and children
  • Relieves stress and tension
And the list goes on. 

Before our session began we were given a tour of the facility. 

The Salt Room offers two salt rooms for adults. Each room seats about 6-8 guests. 

They even have a smaller salt room filled with cute seats and activities for children!

I thought the children’s room was a great idea. What parent doesn’t want to find natural alternatives to help their children?! Can I bring my dog? 

Outside of their salt therapy services they also offer massage, facials and they have an organic hair salon. So this place is a one stop shop for your health and beauty needs!

Once we completed the tour we were directed to a small wall of lockers. 

We placed our belongings in the lockers and were provided a key to hold onto during our session. 

There is a short list of Salt Room etiquette and leaving your cell phone in the locker is one of them. As you can see, I obviously broke that rule…..Sorry Salt Room! But I ok’d it with my sister and niece before taking it in with me. We were the only guests at that time so it was all good. 

We were given paper booties to wear over our shoes. This is to keep the salt nice and clean and prevent us from tracking any out after our session. 

Once we were bootied up, we were escorted into the salt room. 
The floor of the room was covered in pebble sized salt rocks. The walls were covered in hand thrown salt as well. Once in the room we sat in antigravity chairs which reclined and we were given a fleece blanket. 

The blanket would keep us cozy and prevent our clothes from being covered in salt as it circulated through the air. 

Unfortunately, this didn’t help my sister and I too much because we were smart and wore black shorts LOL. So make the mental note not to wear dark clothing to The Salt Room. 
The lights were dimmed and we were left to relax and breath for 45 minutes. 

We used the breathing technique that was shown to us. (I would try to explain it but that would be hard in text so just go check this place out ok? Then we can all share the secret awesome breathing technique.) I could really feel it in my sinuses. 

As we sat and chit chatted during our session I could taste the salt on my lips. 

We were told one 45-minute session is like spending 3 days at the beach and we could expose our legs and arms if we wanted as the salt was good for our skin. 

As the session progressed we could each feel our airways open up. It was a good thing they have a few boxes of tissues in the room for just such an occasion. 

Once our session was over we tossed our booties in the trash and gathered our belongings. 

My sister seemed to be coated in the most salt. She’s going to have gorgeous legs!

We had a nice relaxing time at The Salt Room. It was nice to spend time together and do something positive for our health at the same time.
I look forward to bringing my mom to The Salt Room. I think it will be very beneficial for her.  

If you haven’t been I highly suggest giving it a try.  If you are looking to relax or just want to go for the benefits it’s a win win. They offer your first session for $25 which makes it affordable to try. They also offer several packages if you decide to make it part of your healthy lifestyle. 

If you would like to check it out you can visit them on their website or on Facebook 

You can also call them to book your salt therapy session at: (813)501-8578

Use What You Have....The Bench Workout

August 11, 2017

Well hey there fancy pants! Glad you could make it! Hey I have some good news, I passed my NASM certified personal training exam. I’m official now! A lot of great things are on the horizon I can feel it! And I hope you all will join me on this journey. So what’s been going on with you? Anything awesome?! I hope so. I mean, at least one good thing…it’s Friday. Go out there and party like its 1999 baby!

Speaking of 1999, remember that? Remember when everyone was freaking out and thought the entire planet was going to shut down as soon as the calendar rolled over to the year 2000? The lights didn't even flicker! LOL. 

Ahhh…..those were funny times. The 90’s were funny times. Can we talk about hammer pants, flat tops and flannel shirts? I mean….seriously. 

Enough chitter chatter, let's get down to business. Lets workout! I think it’s always great to have a convenient, simple workout in your back pocket if you can’t get to the gym, a class or can’t conquer your normal workout routine. 

This week we’re using a bench! Just a regular old park bench. The great thing is that they are available in most parks so it should be easy to find one. A lot of neighborhoods even have them lining the sidewalks now!

Let’s get to it! 

For this workout I jogged a mile along a trail at a park near my work then stopped at a bench to perform the following exercises. 

Step ups: 12 reps each leg

Push ups: 10 reps

Leg raises: 12 reps each leg

Squats: 12 reps

Lunges: 10 reps each leg

Dips: 12 reps

Abs: 12 reps

I ran through this circuit 3 times before jogging back. 

It took me about 25 minutes!

Enjoy! Let me know how you like it!


Leave a comment with your best bench-ism, bench pun, or bench joke and you'll be entered to win a good bag full of some of my favorite snacks!

Dear Stretch Marks

August 8, 2017

Dear stretch marks, 

Why do so many people, so many women hate you? Despise you even? Let’s really address this shall we? I mean, women spend so much money on creams, prescriptions, and treatments to get rid of you. I just don’t get it. And it really seems to be women that have such distain for your presence. When you appear on men, it’s typically due to muscle growth and they are so proud! So why can’t women be proud of you too? 

For me, you lay along the lower part of my waist line. You have been there since high school. I’m not exactly sure when you first appeared or when I first noticed you but you were there. At first, I thought you were weird. I thought only pregnant women got stretch marks. I was already fat so I thought I at least had that advantage. If I ever had children I would be in the clear! No stretch marks for me! But, there you were. Did that mean I was as big as a pregnant woman?? ::Sigh:: Even then, I didn’t pay you too much attention. I wore a one-piece bathing suit at that time, not only for swim team but to hold all of what I had in one place when I would go to the pool or to the beach. I knew no one, especially me, wanted to see all I had to work with. Plus, I was just dealing with a bunch of other ‘ish and worrying about stretch marks that were already there was not one of them. 

Then, going into college I lost some weight. And during my college years I lost a lot more. At one point, I lost too much weight. Those were crazy times huh? And there you were. Just hanging out. Sitting there beneath a bit of extra skin because I pushed my body too hard. I lost weight too fast and the skin on my torso couldn’t keep up. You were part of a body I just knew would never be perfect. A body I knew would never be what I wanted it to be. You were just another imperfection. But, I never hated you. No amount of dieting or exercise would ever take you away and that would just be something I would have to deal with. Maybe I could cocoa butter you away once I thought I was skinny enough? Hmm. 

Fast forward to this morning. As I changed into my gym clothes to start the daily grind with my 4am workout I saw you in the mirror. I set my gym shorts just below my waist line so I could take a moment to stare at you. And it crossed my mind. Why do women hate stretch marks so much? Stretch marks are beautiful. They tell a story. They are part of the bodies scripture. 

I spent some time looking you over. I could see how deep you were across my lower waist and the small branches that spread like sunbursts on my hips.  As I ran my fingers back and forth across you, feeling every groove, I thought about how for some women, you are the story of child bearing. The story of bringing amazing life into the world and all their bodies have gone through to get there. Their stretch marks speak volumes of changing form, roller coaster hormones and creating life. With every month that passes and each kick of a tiny foot you may expand.  For others, you appear because they have chosen to alter their body with artificial parts such as breasts, butts or even calves. They decided to make a change to their bodies that perhaps it wasn’t quite ready for. 

For me you appeared because of my weight gain and then became more prominent with my weight loss. You seem to fade away in the winter and become more prevalent in the summer when you are sun kissed. Which is odd, by the way, that you don’t tan. What’s up with that!?  You tell such a deep part of my life story. I think of you as part of my amazing tapestry and I would never want to see you go. For me, you signify strength, endurance, discipline and dedication. You remind me how far I have come and continue to go.  I hope more women can learn to appreciate you and embrace you because stretch marks are awesome. 



Girl!.....Lift Those Weights!

August 4, 2017

AHHHH I’m so excited it’s Friday! Today the hubs and I are going to check out a new gym. I can’t wait to share our experience with you all. That is…unless it sucks but let’s be real, exercise is my jam so it won’t suck! I’m also super excited to actually have a weekend. I have just been so busy lately, especially on the weekends. It will be nice to just breath for a minute.

Remember my post about stress? Well, I need to practice what I preach because I’ve stressed my way into a kinked-out clavicle which has spread over my shoulder and into my back. UGH! So, yes, weekend please!

Oh, hey! before I forget!!! Me and the hubs were nominated for best local couple in Creative Loafing's Best of the Bay! I'm not sure who nominated us but it's so exciting so please go vote for us!! PPPPLLLLLLEEEEAAASSSEEE! Look how adorbs we are! 

Anywho, back to the gym talk. How many of you go to the gym? How many of you lift all of the weights? 

I love lifting all of the weights. Leg day and back day are my favorites. I can remember, however, back in the day when I was the cardio queen!  Mainly because I thought that was the be all, end all to lose fat and I dreamed of being a twig but also because I was intimidated to even glance at the weights. 

I remember going to my college gym, the first actual gym I ever went to, and the weight area was just macho land USA. I thought I didn’t belong there. Even on some of the weight machines I felt awkward because I didn’t know how to use them and didn’t want to look like an idiot. Like I really needed another reason for someone to make fun of me. Sheesh! Plus, I thought weight lifting would make me look manly and that is not what I was going for.

It wasn’t until I was in my mid twenties and being all adult and stuff that I joined a gym. Before that, I had done cardio workout videos….TurboJam was the ‘ish! I worked out in the apartment gym, went for runs, walks etc. When I first joined the gym after my college years, I just took classes. I sure as hell wasn’t going to try to do any of the machines or weights on my own and there’s safety in numbers am I right?! 

Through those classes I learned how to use weights properly and safely. I learned about reps and sets. It was great, it made me feel great and it kept me coming back each week. That and my instructor who I am still friends with today. He really set me up for success and continues to push me and motivate me. 

If you’re thinking of adding weight training to your workout regime I thought I could offer some helpful tips to take you from hell no to semi-pro!

First, let’s talk about the benefits of weight training. If you have the mind set, as I once did, that weights=bulk you’re wrong. I mean, certainly if that’s where you want to take your nutrition and training it can be done, but just lifting weights is not going to turn you into the incredible hulk. Weight trying has great benefits, even if your goal is to be in shape but not have big muscles!

These benefits include:

Improved bone density- this is especially important if you have a family history of osteoporosis
Improved metabolism- Lean muscle mass helps burn fat 
Improved mood/Helps fight depression
Improved sleep- Sleep is important more many reasons including maintaining a healthy weight
Improved heart health

Now let’s talk about where to begin. If you do not currently have a gym membership, or you do but are intimidated by the weight area try workout videos! I know, I know, seems cheesy. Annnnnndddd a lot of them are BUT they can offer a good basis for your training to come. Plus, you can do them in the comfort of your own home so no one has to see you make mistakes and you really have no excuse to not do it since you won't have to travel anywhere. 

Some workout videos I have liked include:

Xbox fitness- If you have an Xbox, this offers a variety of different videos, instructors and levels so you won't get bored. 
You Tube- You can’t go wrong with You Tube! It has a video for everything!

Each of these will require minimal equipment that needs to be purchased if you don’t have some already. If you do need to purchase some dumbbells, tubing etc try Craigslist, a fitness consignment shop or eBay and maybe Amazon. You’ll be able to get equipment at a reduced price. Plus, there is no need to brand new equipment when you’re just going to be banging it around anyway.


If you have a gym membership then you will have several more options like classes. As I said before, classes can be a great way to become more comfortable with weights and more educated on how to use them properly. Gyms also offer more options when it comes to weights. This is great but can add to the intimidation factor. I would suggest going to the gym at a different time. Now, this can be difficult if you only have a certain time you can go to the gym but, if at all possible, until you become comfortable sashaying over to the weights go at a different time. There are times that I want to try a new workout or something I have seen on Instagram but I fear embarassment so I will get to the gym a little earlier before the regulars arrive to try it out. Once I have it down, I will incorporate it into my normal schedule. 

A great tool to use is or the app for your phone. You can choose a workout that lasts from one day to several months. It tells you what exercises to do each day and each exercise offers a video on how to perform the movement. I have used this app a lot. Its a great resource. It’s another one that has an abundance of variety so you won't get bored and you can continue to improve. 

Ideally, if you are beginning weight training I would suggest meeting with a personal trainer. Now, I know you may be thinking. "You bougie bitch! You think I can afford a personal trainer?!" Yes, personal trainers can be costly but it doesn't hurt to check it out. Many gyms offer at least one complimentary personal training session and they can work within your budget. If you are only able to train with them once a week or once a month they can work to create a program for you that will help you not only keep your cash but improve your overall health and fitness. Having a personal trainer allows you that one on one interaction so they can help you not only achieve your goals but make sure you are doing the exercises properly and prevent injury. This will increase your confidence in the weight room so you are better prepared to attack the weights on your own!

If you truly can not afford a personal trainer but would like more individualized attention get some friends together. If two or three of you train together sometimes trainers will a give a discount which can be more affordable for you. 

Once, you’ve gained a little confidence just go for it! Yes, it can be intimidating and you may feel embarrassed but in all actuality no one really cares what you’re doing with the weights. They are too busy focused on their workout to really even realize you are there. So get in there, attack those weights, make all the gains and by your best self! 

I would love to hear from you all! If anyone has any other suggestions for beginning weight training please comment below so we can all benefit from your knowledge! 

Need some workout suggestions? Check out the blogs Workout Ideas Board on Pinterest for ideas!

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