Think before you drink
July 28, 2017
Whoa Nelly Furtado July is almost over! Where has the summer gone? Better yet, how come I have no tan and I live in Florida!!!!! WTF! In just a couple of weeks kids will be going back to school which means my commute time to work is going to double and before you know it…..Halloween. I can’t with how fast this year is flying by. If I could turn back ti-ome!
This past weekend I hung out with my brother-in-laws wife. Does that make her my sister-in-law? I’m not really sure how all of that works. When I try to figure it out in my head I feel like I'm trying to figure out a family tree with several branches of inbreeding. Like our 1st cousins got married to their own sisters. I dunno, it just sounds weird. Ya dig?
We were supposed to go paddle boarding which is my FAVORITE! I was so excited but darn you Florida! It was yucky weather all weekend. So what are two girls supposed to do when their beach plans get cancelled? Go eat Mexican food and have a cocktail of course!
I wish I had a picture but clearly I was not camera ready. I hadn’t even showered after Saturday morning bootcamp because the ocean was supposed to cleanse my soul and my pits.We still had a lot of laughs and it was relaxing just to sit and chit chat. Plus, it gave me a blog post idea which is a win right there!
I thought I would help some brothers and sisters out by giving you the 411 on some low calorie adult beverages. This way you don't have to blow your calories for the day on liquid libations and you can still get some substantial meals in. Plus, you won't feel so gross, fluffy and bloated the next day! Whoop Whoop!
Blame it on the a-a-a-a-alcohol.
When my sister-in-law, brother-in-laws wife, sister from another mister….whatever you want to call her fabulous self, and I went to lunch we totally had to get margaritas ‘cuz Mexican food. Duh! So, we each got a mid priced margarita that was made with fresh, organic ingredients. I try to look at the ingredients every time I order a drink out. I know the ingredients can have a huge impact on how I feel after the drink and the next morning. The more I can stay away from mixes the better. Mixes typically equal lots of unwanted, unneeded sugar which in turn leads to puffy face Jennifer. No body wants to see that. NOBODY!
So that would be my drink tip #1. Choose drinks with fresh ingredients. P.S. they are usually stronger too! You’ll get more bang for your buck!
If you like mixed drinks that include some sort of soda, i.e.Coke, sprite etc. Soda isn’t going to be your best choice but I guess you’re not really making the best choice if you’re drinking alcohol anyway right! Diet soda is going to be your better choice. For example, try a Captain and Diet. When I was on Weight Watchers, I drank these all of the time because they were only 2 points! Bonus!!
Here are some low calorie drink options:
Gin and Tonic
107 cal
Vodka and Soda Water (My hubby’s current drink of choice)
67 cal
Mojito- Hey look! You’re so cool!
103 cal
Tequila Highball-I wanna try this one the next time I go out. Tequila and I get along and it helps me sleep like a baby
70 cal
White wine spritzer -I mean, we aren’t in the 90’s anymore but if you’re feeling nostalgic go for it!
97 cal
Light Beer-Depends on the brand. I’ve seen lower.
104 cal
Red Wine (5oz)- is that even a pour bro?
100 cal
Champagne- (4oz) if your fancy
90 cal
You know what else is great! Saving your money and making your own drinks at home! If you really wanna be social just invite some peeps over. Plus, then you don't have to Uber home. Besides, homemade drinks are way better.
I recently made a drink recipe by one of my favorite bloggers, Juli Bauer from PaleOMG. She posted a recipe for Watermelon Margaritas and I just had to try it! It’s made with all fresh ingredients and it was truly delicious! Go check it out. It will be a great end of summer drink for ya!
Want more lo-cal drinks or drinks you can make at home?! Check out my 'Drinks' board on Pinterest!
Let's Talk About Stress
July 21, 2017
Let’s talk about stress baby, let’s talk about you and me, let’s talk about all the good things and the bad things stress can bring. Let’s talk about stress, let’s talk about stress!
Ummm…if you didn’t sing that to the tune of Salt N’ Pepa’s Let’s Talk about Sex….then you need to leave right now, You Tube that ‘ish and then come back and try this again….ok?..ok!
So this post was supposed to be a Jennifer Tries post. I know, I know those seem to be peoples favorites but I felt compelled to discuss something that affects everyone. STRESS! Bum Bum BUUUUUUUMMMMMM!
Yes, I said it…..the “S” word! And it is the worst! I mean, i’m sure there are several of you, just reading the word, begun to have a nervous twitch. Ugh! I hate stress. And the frustrating thing is that it comes in so many forms and it can just pop up out of nowhere and then BAM! You’re freakin’ stressed out! WTF!
And the really crappy part is not only do we have to endure stress, it also has adverse affects on our bodies! It can cause imbalances that stick with us long after the particular stressor has come and gone.
While there are several side effects of stress I could cover, in this post I want to focus on how stress can affect your weight. I also want to cover how stress can affect your performance in the gym.
When trying to eat healthy and/or lose weight people can face many different obstacles. For some, it’s their peer group or family surroundings. For others it’s time. What many don’t realize is stress can be a contributing factor, if not the sole reason they are having trouble dropping the extra pounds. When stress wreaks havoc on the body it wreaks havoc on your weight too.
When we experience stress our body releases cortisol the “stress hormone.” This increase in hormone causes a rise in insulin which makes you crave sugary or fatty foods. Your body is pushed into a flight-or-fight response and craves additional calories as a survival technique.
Basically your body is saying “Holy shnikes Batman we’re gonna have to fight! We better eat up because food is fuel bro!” This is particularly prevalent with chronic stress. This is what causes us to crave those delicious comfort foods and overeat them.
Where will you see this excess weight? Right in the ‘ol stomach. Yup! Right in the mid section of the body. Just enough to make your pants tight! If you haven't changed your eating habits or workout routine and your noticing weight hanging around your middle, you may want to look at your day to day. Is it your job that causes you stress, your morning routine, a person in your life?
A couple of years ago I worked in an environment that bred chronic stress. I was working 12 hour days, weekends, holidays. I even took my laptop on vacation so I wouldn’t fall behind! That’s just crazy town! It wasn’t until I spent 40 minutes in the stairwell one morning unable to compose myself or take a full breath that I knew I had to make a change. Looking back on pictures during my time in that environment I recognize how much weight I was holding onto.
It’s just crazy. I was burnt out to the max. I was eating right, exercising like crazy but the stress had taken over my body and it just wouldn't let go.
Have you ever been in a situation like that? Man, if I knew then what I know now……
Not only can stress affect your weight but it can affect your performance in the gym as well.
Excuse me?! Nothing comes between me and my gym time. I bet your thinking, but isn’t going to the gym or being active supposed to help alleviate stress?
The answer is yes. Regular exercise can be a great way to reduce stress and its affects on the body. Ah Hem…..Cortisol. But i’m not naming any names. But, if you’re a person… myself…..who works out pretty intensely on a regular basis you’re already producing enough cortisol. Add additional stress on top of the stress your body is going through during exercise and that’s a recipe for disaster!
Also, chronic stress can cause you to have trouble sleeping, increase your blood pressure and affect your immune system. This can lead to exhaustion which can make your regular workout routine feel like a real chore.
Stress can cause fatigue in the muscles and hurt endurance as well. So, if your stressed out I wouldn't suggest training for a race or competition anytime soon. You most likely won't get the results you’re aiming for.
Sooooo should you not go to the gym if your stressed out? No, don't be silly. You can totally still go to the gym. You should just take it down a notch. Try not to go balls to the wall while you’re going through a stressful time. Go for a more moderate exercise as to not send your cortisol into orbit. I know, I know, that sounds crazy. How will you ever get your gainzzzzzzzz?! Well, its better to ease up for a few days then to work your butt off to only be 5 steps behind. Ya know what i’m sayin’? Huh? Huh?
So now that I've dropped some knowledge bombs on you let me offer some solutions!
Let’s be honest, we all know we can't get rid of stress. It won't magically disappear and when one stressor goes away another seems to rear its ugly head. Darn you stress! But, there are lots of ways we can get all zen and keep some of the evil stress monsters at bay.
First you need to find out what is causing the stress in your life. Is it work? Is it family?
If work is the culprit, here is what I suggest. Remember, I am not a professional stress management person this is just what I find helps. Ok? Ok!
Get to work on time and leave on time.
Every once in awhile you may have to stay for a special project or something but on the regular you should be working your designated hours. Coming in early and staying late are only going to cause undue stress. You need time away from work to reenergize for the next day.
Take a lunch
To me, this is the most important. It can be enticing to stay at your desk thinking that extra 30min-1 hour is going to make a huge dent in your work load. In reality it won’t and you’ll just be burnt out by the end of the day. Plus, you need to get away from your desk during the day. I suggest taking sometime during your lunch to walk around. Maybe 10-20 minutes go outside, walk around and clear your mind. You will feel ready to take on the rest of the day!
Take it one e-mail at a time
Or phone call, or client….what ever your field may require. Being able to multi-task is great but when you have a million things coming at your all at once it can become overwhelming quickly. So, take a step back and just take one task at a time. As you finish each task you will feel more accomplished and in turn less stressed.
If you’re simply looking to eliminate daily stress to avoid weight gain some ideas you may try include:
Eat mindfully
We are always on the go and most of the time our food is too. Try to make time to sit and enjoy one meal per day with out distractions. This will help keep you from mindless eating and give you time to process your stress.
You may find it difficult to journal…or even remember to journal for that matter. But, if you get a couple journal entries in a few times per week it will help you get your feelings out. You can then evaluate them and see if you really need to be stressed out about whatever is bothering you.
OMG who has time to read these days?! No one! I joined a book club and it is soooooo difficult to find time to read. This last book, I had too much going on so I downloaded the audio version. Cheating? Maybe, but it offered the same escape a book does. Reading…or even an audio book can take you somewhere else for a little while and allow your mind to focus on something else.
Those are just a few tips that I have found helpful.
Check out my Pinterest board Stress Management for additional stress remedies.
Barbells and Apple Crisp
July 14, 2017
Hey you! What it do?
So this past weekend the hubs and I went to bootcamp. We haven’t been in awhile as I had taken some time off to really work on my squats, deadlifts and bench press. It was nice to be back with the Impact Fitness Crew. We used the sleds which is my absolute favorite! I want one of my own. Does anyone know where I can get one? Or do I need to solder that bad boy together myself? It might be cheaper to do it myself. I dunno. Just google it Jennifer…geez!
Anywho…..we did that and then we all went to breakfast just like old times. We’re officially Saturday morning boot campers again and its great! Then we completed the wellness portion of our morning and went over to Cry-X to got our will freeze on. Let me tell you, after that we went to the outlet mall and my body temp stayed pretty cool the entire time we were there after our session which was amazing because it was 100 degrees with 100% humidity! Oh Florida…………..
Ooo and we went to the Costco, can't for get Costco! I know, I know you’re thinking Jennifer how do you keep up with your wild and crazy lifestyle. I mean, even I wonder that myself sometimes. LOL
So Saturday afternoon when we arrived home from all of our adventures I felt like baking. I don't really bake to much anymore. It's just not as fun and a lot more expensive when you have to use specialty ingredients as opposed to your typical flour and sugar. But I was inspired.
A few Sams club visits by the husband have introduce me to this amazingly delicious snack mix, Golden Tree Original Nut & Seed Clusters And!!!!!!!! It’s Paleo! What the what?! Yes, you read right. It's so yummy that I asked him not to buy it anymore because I totally go ham on it and it's gone in 2-3 days. While it is all natural, all paleo goodness, too much of anything is not good for you. And I don't like feeling guilty about food I consume. I'm not about that life anymore, so I just choose not to have it in the house. But, that being said a couple weekends ago I asked him to buy some. What kept me from plowing through a whole bag was that I really wanted to try to make apple crisp out of it. I used to make different apple crisp recipes all the time because my husband loved it so this had me inspired to try to create something he would love and I could enjoy all in one delicious dish!
Let me tell you……….it came out AMAZING! He loved it! So I wanted to share it with you all.
So during our trip to Costco I picked up some green apples. They are the best for baking and the rest I can eat during the week. I'm starting Macros next week. Like dedicating my life to them, which requires me to eat a shit ton of carbohydrates. That is something I am not used to. It will be super difficult since I can't eat grains even if I wanted to. So, I will be introducing a lot more fruit into my diet. ::Sigh:: We shall see how this goes.
Saturday afternoon I used four of the apples as my base for the apple crisp.
I peeled and chopped all four apples.
I do my peeling over the sink but if you do this make a note not to send the skin down the disposal. It can cause the disposal to clog and then because you don't want to stick your hand down in the disposal because it's scary and could chop your hand off your significant other or roommate or parent will have to do it and a lot of harsh language will be flying around. It's not pretty.
Once the apples were peeled and chopped I placed them in medium sized bowl with a lid.
I added the cinnamon, honey, vanilla and maple sugar. Then, I placed the lid on and shook it up to coat the apples. If you don't have a bowl with a lid you can use a rubber spatula or your hands to mix up the apples until coated.
Once the apples were coated I placed the apples in a greased 8x8 glass dish. To grease the dish I used coconut oil in the cooking spray can. If you haven't found this stuff yet its fantastic! I usually get It at Trader Joe's but Publix sells it and so does Super Target!
Useing the same bowl I placed 3/4 of the bag of Golden Tree Nut & Seed Clusters in the empty bowl and used my hands to break apart the larger pieces. I then mixed in a pinch of salt, a pinch of cinnamon, maple sugar and ghee and stored until coated.
Once the mixture was fully combined I placed it evenly over the top of the apples.
Placed that puppy in the oven at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.
Then I covered it will tin foil to prevent the topping from burning and placed back in the oven for another 15 minutes.
We ate it warm with some vanilla gelato. It was scrumptious!
Please give it a try and let me know what you think!
Have a great weekend guys!
Barbells and Apple Crisp
A deliciously paleo take on the apple crisp your mom used to make!
- 4 Green Apple
- 2 teaspoons cinnamon
- 1 Tablespoon honey
- 2 Tablespoon maple sugar (1 for the apples & 1 for the topping)
- 2 teaspoons vanilla
- 3/4 bag Golden Tree Nut & Seed Clusters
- Pinch of salt
- 1/2-1 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1/4 cup ghee (melted)
-Preheat oven to 350 degrees
-Spray an 8x8 glass cooking dish with Coconut oil cooking spray
-Wash and peel apples Chop apples and place into a bowl with a lid
-Add cinnamon, honey, vanilla and maple sugar to the apples
-Place the lid on the bowl and shake to coat the apples.
-Once the apples are coated spoon them into a prepared 8x8 glass baking dish.
-In the same bowl place 3/4 of a bag of Golden Tree Nut & Seed clusters Break apart the larger pieces with a spoon or your hands
-Add the salt, cinnamon, maple sugar and ghee to the bowl
-Mix to combine Spread the topping evenly over the apples in the baking dish
-Place in the center rack of the oven and bake for 20 minutes. Then place tin foil over the dish to prevent the topping from burning and return to the oven for an additional 15 minutes.
-Serve warm
-Spray an 8x8 glass cooking dish with Coconut oil cooking spray
-Wash and peel apples Chop apples and place into a bowl with a lid
-Add cinnamon, honey, vanilla and maple sugar to the apples
-Place the lid on the bowl and shake to coat the apples.
-Once the apples are coated spoon them into a prepared 8x8 glass baking dish.
-In the same bowl place 3/4 of a bag of Golden Tree Nut & Seed clusters Break apart the larger pieces with a spoon or your hands
-Add the salt, cinnamon, maple sugar and ghee to the bowl
-Mix to combine Spread the topping evenly over the apples in the baking dish
-Place in the center rack of the oven and bake for 20 minutes. Then place tin foil over the dish to prevent the topping from burning and return to the oven for an additional 15 minutes.
-Serve warm
Use What You Have....The Couch Workout
July 7, 2017
I remember growing up and never wanting anything to change. I didn’t want to move to Texas when my mom was transferred there for her job. I was devastated when my sister found out she was pregnant because I wanted to stay the baby of the family and I certainly didn’t want to move back to Florida when my sister had my first nephew. (P.s. there is a happy ending to the story and I couldn’t love him more if I tried!) I didn’t even want to leave high school. I was never a big fan of change. I guess that’s why I have always been a great employee. I never leave! Partly because I fear the unknown when it comes to work and I feel guilty leaving the company with a position to fill. Silly right?!
Now that I’m older all I want is change. I crave it. For example, I hate living in one place for too long. We have been in our townhome now for 5 years and its starting to drive me batty. I feel like we have to either start making changes to the townhome or we need to move tomorrow! I couldn’t wait to cut my hair short after my wedding and a couple months in I’m dying for it to be long again. And now something else has crossed my path. I feel very much in limbo. I want to move forward and take the next step but I can’t right now…or at least as fast I would like too but I don’t want to stay in the same place either. It’s a total mind F%*#. Have you ever felt like that? It kind of consumes you and then because you can’t move forward with what you really want the smaller things that you have put off changing are rearing their ugly head so you start obsessing over those too!!!!???? Please tell me I’m not the only crazy one! Sheesh.
In a nutshell, I’m just tired of being tired ALL.OF.THE.TIME. And trying to get to a place where I’m not so tired all of the time is like riding a turtle through a desert, up a sand dune. UGH!
So, please comment below if you’re bat sh%& crazy like me!
Anywho… was your 4th of July? Did you eat lots of yummy food? Did you see fireworks? My 4th was very relaxing. The hubs and I spent the day with his family. It was nice just to sit and do nothing. For lunch/dinner we had Lobsters as they do every year. They were delicious as always! As far as fireworks I was in bed when those started. I had to work Wednesday. Bummer. I had to work Monday too! Darn it, I know it’s the 4th of July but can we please make it mandatory that the calendar should always have the 4th on a Friday or a Monday? That doesn’t make sense, I know, but seriously. Is that too much to ask?
Ok, on to what you really came here for. My monthly Use What You Have post.
This time, all you need is a couch and a TV. Yup! You read that right!
I’m going to give you some ways to get your workout on while watching your favorite shows!
** WARNING…..You Will Have to Let the Commercials Run.***
If you remember, wwwaaaayyyy back in the day people actually had to get up and walk to the TV to change the channel. We are decades removed from that with the wonderful invention of the remote but turning on the TV and changing the channels and adjusting the volume are all opportunities to get some Couch Squats in!
Do as many reps as it takes to get to the channel or volume your searching for!
Exercising your way through a TV show is a great way to get some HIIT(High Intensity Interval Training) in, which can burn a lot calories if done right! The key is to push your hardest during the exercise and then let your body recover and repeat. Sooooo during the show take your rest then when commercials come on go hard! Or…if your working out in your jammies like me you can just have a leisurely workout. Either way, you’re moving and that is the ultimate goal!
Here are some ways to get moving during commercials!
Stationary Living Room Lunges
Jumping Jacks
Couch Dips
High Knees
Butt Kicks
Work those legs with the Squat Touch and Reach, If you’re feeling fancy turn this baby into a jump squat!
How ‘bout hitting those shoulders with some arm circles. Rotate forward for one commercial then backward for the next. Continue alternating until your show returns.
Finish it up with some abs!
See! Its pretty easy to get a workout in even when you think you don't have time!
Oh! and before I forget, lets take a moment to appreciate that totally tubular fruit lamp in the back ground! Cool right! It was my Great Grandmothers.....don't be jealous.
Check out the blogs Pinterest for some more at home workout ideas!
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